Sep 27, 2024  
2016-2017 General Catalog 
2016-2017 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • PHY 4722L Physical Electronics-II Laboratory (0)

    Corequisite: Phy 4722 Practical Hands-on Experiments For Students Enrolled In Phy 4722 Lecture.

  • PHY 4802L Advanced Laboratory (2)

    Prerequisite: Phy 4604. For Physics Majors. Emphasizes Independent Work. Involves Four Experiments In Modern Physics.

  • PHY 4905 General Phy Lab

  • PHY 4931 Physics Seminar I (1)

    Current Topics In Physics, With Some Lectures By Distinguished Visiting Scientists. Discussions On Nature Of Physics, Its Opportunities, And Prospectus.

  • PHY 4932 Physics Seminar II (1)

    Current Topics In Physics, With Some Lectures By Distinguished Visiting Scientists. Discussions On Nature Of Physics, Its Opportunities, And Prospectus.

  • PHY 4936 Special Problems (2)

    Prerequisite: Consent Of Instructor. Provision Made For Advanced Students To Work Independently On Special Lab Or Theoretical Research Problems.

  • PHY 5226 Mechanics I - Graduate

    Static Equilibrium, Motion Of A Particle Under Various Forces, Motions Of A System Of Particles

  • PHY 5227 Mechanics II - Graduate

    Motion Of A Rigid Body Of Plane And In Three Dimensions , Hamiltonian And Lagrangian Formulations Of Mechanics And Oscilltions

  • PHY 5326 Electromagnetics I - Graduate

    Electrostatics, Electrostatics Fields In Matter, Special Techniques For Calculating Potentials, Magnetostatics And Magnetostatics In Matter

  • PHY 5327 Electromagnetics II -graduate

    Electrodynamics ( Maxwell’s Equation, Potential Formulation, Energy And Momentum) Popogation Of Electromagnetic Waves Through Conducting And Noncoducting Media , Radiation And Special Relativity

  • PHY 5346 Electrodynamics I (3)

    Electrostatics And Boundary-value Problems, Macroscopic Media And Dielectrics, Magnetostatics, Time-varying Fields, Maxwell’s Equations, Conservation Laws.

  • PHY 5606 Quantum Mechanics I - Graduate

    Motivation ( Black Body Radiation, Photoelectric Effect, Comton’s Scatteringans Line Spectra,etc). Postulates, Analysis Of One-dimensional Systems. Simple Harmonic Oscillators, Potential Barriers And Wells, Quantrum Mechanical Measurement, And Mumericals Solution Methods For Schrodinger Equation

  • PHY 5607 Quantum Mechanics II - Gradua

    Second Quantization, Angular Momentum ( Orbital Spin, And Total) For One Particle, Three Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator, Hydrogen Atom, Perturbation Theory, Epr Experiment, Spin-orbit Effect, Helium Atom, Relativistic Effect, And The Diraxc Equation, Matrix Mechanics

  • PHY 5656 Quan/thry Angula Mom

  • PHY 5667 Quantum Electrodynamics (3)

    Dirac Equation, And Lorentz Covariance, Foldy-wouthuysen Transformations, Hole Theory, Propagator Theory, Scattering Matrix And Higher Order Corrections, Klein-gordon Equation, Coulomb Electron Scattering, Coulomb Positron Scattering, Electron-electron And Electron-positron Scattering, Polarization In Electron Scattering Basics Of Quantum Field Theory.

  • PHY 5668 Quantum Thy Fields I

  • PHY 5909 Irected Individual Study (1-12)

    Individual Study Directed By Graduate Faculty On A Topic Of Mutual Student And Faculty Interest.

  • PHY 5920 Colloquium (1)

    Physics Colloquia As Scheduled.

  • PHY 5940 Supervised Teaching (1-6)

    Supervised Laboratory And Recitation Instruction For Graduate Teaching Assistants.

  • PHY 5966 Master’s Comp Exam

  • PHY 5971 Thesis (3-6)

    Course To Be Taken While Preparing The Master’s Thesis-supervised By The Thesis Advisor.

  • PHY 5976 Thesis Defense

  • PHY 6110 Supervised Teaching

  • PHY 6157C Computation Physics

  • PHY 6246 Classical Dynamics I

    Lagrange’s And Hamilton’s Equations Of Motion, Variational Methods, Symmetry, Kinematics And Dynamics Of Rigid Body Motion, Special Relativity, Canonical Variables And Transformations.

  • PHY 6247 Classical Dynamics II

    Hamilton-jacobi Theory, Small Oscillations, Continuous Systems And Theory Of Classical Fields, Non-linear Dynamics And Recent Developments In Chaotic Dynamics

  • PHY 6346 Electrodynamics I

  • PHY 6347 Electrodynamics II

    Propagation Of Electromagnetic Waves In Wave Guides, Resonant Cavities And Optical Fibers, Radiating Systems, Scattering And Diffraction Of Electromagnetic Waves, Special Relativity, Dynamics Of Relativistic Particles And Electromagnetic Fields, Radiation By Moving Charges.

  • PHY 6524 Quantum Stat Mechanics

    Canonical Structure And Formulation Of Statistical Mechanics, The Thermodynamic Limit , Gas And Liquid Theory, Phase Transitions And Critical Phenomena, Virial Expansion, Quantum Statistics.

  • PHY 6645 Quantum Mechanics I

    Quantum Theory Of Measurement, Wave Mechanics, Schrodinger Theory, Semi-classical Wkb Approximation, Bound State Techniques, Periodic Potentials, Angular Momentum, Scattering Theory, Phase Shift Anaysis.

  • PHY 6646 Quantum Mechanics II

    Spin And Other Two Dimensional Systems, Matrix Mechanics, Rotation Group, Symmetries, Time Independent Or Time Dependent Perturbation Theory, Atomic And Molecular Systems, Feynman Diagrams, Basic Scattering Theory

  • PHY 6651 Quantum Scattering Theory

    Time-dependent, Formal Scattering Theory, Time Independent Formal Scattering Theory, Physical Cross - Sections, Methods And Approximations For Formal Solitions, Single - Channel Scattering In Three Dimensions, Complex Angular Momentum (watson-regge Method), Multi - Channel Theory, Decay Of Unstable States

  • PHY 6653 Adv Collision Theory

  • PHY 6668 Quantum Theory Of Fields I

    Elementary Relativistic Quantum Field Theory: The Klien- Gordan Field , The Dirac Field, Interacting Fields And Feynman Diagrams, Elementary Processes Of Quantum Electrodynamics, Introduction To Radiative Corrections, Renormalizations Theory.

  • PHY 6669 Quantum Fields Theory II

    The Non-albelian Gauge Theories : The Parton Model Of Hadron Structure, Quantization Of Non-abelian Gauge Theories, Quantum Chromodynamics (qcd), Gauge Theories With Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, Quantization Of Spontaneously Broken Gauge Theories. Continuation Of PHY 6668  

  • PHY 6675 Quant Theory Of Many Part Sys

    Second Quantization, Zero - Temperature Green’s Functions Formalism And Field Theory, Applications To Fermi Systems, Bose Systems And Linear Response Theory, Finite Temperature Green’s Function Formalism And Applications.

  • PHY 6815L Adv Grad Lab In Phy

  • PHY 6918 Supervised Research

    Graduate Student Research Supervised By The Dissertaton Advisor. Available To Graduate Students Who Have Passed The Qualifying Examination For The Physics Doctoral Program And Have Not Taken The Advancement To Candidacy Examination For The Doctorate In Physics

  • PHY 6937 Selected Topics In Physics

  • PHY 6938 Special Topics In Physics (2-4)

    Special Topics Lecture Course Offered On Demand By The Graduate Faculty.

  • PHY 8980 Doctoral Dissertation

    The Doctoral Dissertation Course Is Designed For Ph.d. Candidates Who Have Succesfully Completed The Qualifying And Advancement To Candidacy Examinations; Have Finished All Dissertation Research Requirements; And Are In Preparation For The Dissertation Defense

  • PHZ T999 Phz Transfer Course

  • PHZ 1010 Intro To Atmosphere

  • PHZ 3113 Mathematical Methods Of Physics I (3)

    Prerequisite: Mac 3313. Vector And Tensor Analysis, Matrices And Determinants, Vector Differential Calculus, Line And Surface Integrals, Ordinary And Partial Differential Equations, And Fourier Series And Integrals.

  • PHZ 3113 Mathematical Physics

  • PHZ 3113A Math Mtds Of Phys Rec

  • PHZ 3114 Mathematical Methods of Physics II (3)

    Prerequisite: PHZ 3113 . Sturm-lionville Problem, Power Series Solutions, Laplace And Bessel Equations, Complex Analysis (taylor And Laurent Series, Residues, Analytic Functions) Probability And Statistics, Numerical Analysis.

  • PHZ 3153 Applied Fortran

  • PHZ 3153L Applied Fortran Rec

  • PHZ 3302 Radiation Physics (4)

    Prerequisite: PHY 3101 . Radiations Emitted By Atomic Nuclei, Nuclear Transformations, Nuclear Reactors, And Experimental Detection Of Radiation.

  • PHZ 3302L Radiation Physics Laboratory (0)

    Corequisite: PHS 3302   Modern Equipment Is Used To Familiarize Students With Modern Day Equipment In Physics.

  • PHZ 4022 Physics Of Waves & Oscillation

    This Course Covers Classical Wave Theory In Optic, Acoustics And Electrodynamics. Emphasis On Establishing The Mathematical Foundations Necessary For Understanding The Conceptual Bridge Between Classical Mechanics And Quantum Theory

  • PHZ 4303 Nuclear Physics (3)

    Prerequisite: Phy 4064. Nuclear Structure, Stability, Abundancies And Nucleogenesis, Interaction Of Electrons, Alpha Particles And Gamma Rays With Matter.

  • PHZ 4404 Condensed Matter Physics (3)

    Prerequisite: Phy 3103, PHY 4324 . For Senior Physics Majors Or Materials Engineering Majors. Crystallography, X-ray Diffraction, Magnetic Materials, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Electrons In Metals And Superconductivity.

  • PHZ 4601 Relativity-I

    An Introduction To The Special Theory Of Relativity Invariance Of Space Time Interval. World Lines, Lorentz Transformations, Relativistic Energy And Momentum. 4-vectors, Gravity As The Geometry Of Space-time

  • PHZ 4710 Biophysics

    A Rigorous Introduction Into Fundamentals Of Molecular And Cellular Biophysics And Methods And Techniques Of Experimental, Theoretical And Computational Biophysics. Provide Students With The Ability To Apply Basic Physics Principles To The Analysis Of Biological Systems At The Cellular And Sub-cellular Level ( Membranes, Biomolecules E.g. Proteins And Dna).

  • PHZ 5116 Advanced Mathematical Methods Of Physics (3)

    Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Hilbert Space Theory, Theory Of Distributions, Linear Operators In Hilbert Space, Spectrum And Resolvent, Banach Spaces.

  • PHZ 5136 Group Theory In Physics (3)

    Basic Group Theory, Representations, Irreducible Vectors And Operators, Representations Of Symmetric Groups, One-dimensional Continuous Groups, Basic Lie Groups, So (3), Su (2), Two And Three Dimensional Euclidean Groups, Lorentz And Poincare Groups, Space Inversion And Time Reversal Invariance, Finite-dimensional Representations Of Classical Groups.

  • PHZ 5215 Grp Thry/mole Struct

  • PHZ 5236 Thery Atom/mole Coll

    Theory Of Atomic And Molecular Collisions (3): Classical And Quantum Scattering By Central Forces, Phase Shifts And Cross Sections, Elastic And Inelastic Scattering, Multichannel Scattering Theory, Numerical Methods, L2 Methods Including The Schwinger, Kohn And Newton Methods, Laboratory And Proper Reference Frames, Fundamentals Of Experimental Techniques, And Selected Topics From Among Collisions Theories: Electron-atom, Electron-molecule, Atom-atom, Atom-ion, Atom-molecule.

  • PHZ 5304 Nuclear Phycics

  • PHZ 5315 Nuclear Astrophysics

    Introduction To The Role Of Nuclear Reactions And Decays In Astrophysics. The Origin Of Elements In The Context Of The Big Bang, Major Burning Stages In The Life Of A Star, Stellar Explosions And Processes In Interstellar Matter.

  • PHZ 5354 High Energy Phy I

    This Course Studies The Classification Of Elementary Particles, Particle Detectors And Accelerators, Invariance Principles And Conservation Laws, Hadron-hadron Interactions, Static Quark Model Of Hadrons, Electromagnetic Interactions, And The Unification Of Electroweak And Other Interactions.

  • PHZ 5606 Spec/gen Relativity

    This Course Examines The Following Topics: Special Theory Of Relativity; Tensor Analysis And Curvature; General Theory Of Relativity; Experimental Tests; Black Holes, Gravitational Radiation, And Cosmology

  • PHZ 6115 Math Meth For Physics

    Analytical Function Theory, Linear Vector Spaces, Tenor Calculus, Function Spaces, Orthogonal Polynomials, Fourier Analysis And An Introduction To Group Theory

  • PHZ 6116 Math Meth For Phy II

    Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Strum- Liouville Theory, Linear Operators In Hilbert Space, Fourier Transforms And Fast Fourier Transfors For Spectrum Analysis.

  • PHZ 6136 Group Theory In Physics I

    Introduction To Group Theory : Generators Of Continous Groups, Orbital Angular Momentum, Angular Momentum Coupling, Homogeneous Lorentz And Inhomogeneous Poincare Groups, Symmetries And Invariance Principles.

  • PHZ 6137 Group Theory In Physics II

    Born Oppenheimer Approximation, Rotational And Vibrational Molecular Wave Functions, Multi-electron Wave Functions And Operators,hartree - Fock Approximations, Configuration Interaction, Pair And Coupled Pair Theories, Many- Body Perturbation Theory

  • PHZ 6156 Advanced Computer Methods In Physics (3)

    Operating Systems And Compilers, Microcomputer Fundamentals, Vector And Parallel Processing, Solution Of Linear Algebraic Equations, Eigenanalysis, Fourier Transforms And Spectral Methods, Boundary Value Problems And Partial Differential Equations, Computer Algebra, Graphical Methods.

  • PHZ 6236 Atomic & Molecular Coll.

    Classical And Quantum Scattering By Central Forces, Phase Shift Analysis And Cross Sections , Elastic And Inelastic Scattering , Multi-channel Scattering Theory , Schwinger, Khon And Newton Methods, Scattering In The Laboratory And Center Of Mass Reference Frames , Fundimentals Of Experimental Techniques And Selected Topics From Different Collision Theories: Electron - Atom, Electron- Molecule, Atom- Atom, Atom-ion And Atom-molecule.

  • PHZ 6365 Exp Methods Part Astrophysics

    This Course Discusses Detection And Instrumentation In Astroparticle Physics, Relativistic Kinematics, Development Of Charged Particle Radiation From Astrophysical Sources Interaction Of Radiation With Matter, Methods Of Transduction Of Electronic Signals Associated With Interaction Of Radiation With Matter, Design Of Space And Ground Based Astroparticle Detectors. Analysis Of Data From Astroparticle Detector Experiments, Cosmological Implications Of Cosmics Radiation. Existing Experiments In Astroparticle Physics Will Be Discussed; Cosmic Rays, Gamma And Neutrino Astronomy,cosmology And Dark Matter. Readings Will Be Assigned From Recommended Texts And Literature From Research In The Field

  • PHZ 6426 Condensed Matter Physics I

    Application Of Group Theory To Crystal Structures, Band Structure Of Metals And Semiconductors. The Tight - Binding Method And Applications To Insulator Bands And Impurity States. Thermodynamic, Transport And Optical Properties Of Metals And Semiconductors.

  • PHZ 6427 Condensed Mat. Physics II

    Electro - Phonon Interactions, Pseudo - Potentials And Phonon Dispersion, Magnetism, Low - Temperature Super-Conductivity, High- Temperature Superconductivity, Two - Dimensional Phenomena. objectives/learning outcome(s)/major Topics

  • PHZ 6480 Fluid Plasma Phy I

  • PHZ 6607 General Relativity (3)

    The Einstein Field Equations Are Developed Via A Tensor And Geometric Approach And Used To Describe Astronomical Systems And Cases Of Matter Under Extreme Conditions

  • PHZ 6676 Particle Physics

    Leptons, Mesons, And Baryons, Introduction To The Standard Model Of Electroweak Interactions And Its Applications, Higgs Mechanism, Construction Of The Standard Model, Phenomenology Of Weak Interactions, Qcd And Scaling Violation


  • MVK 1011 Applied Piano (2)

    For Entering Piano Majors With Limited Background And Weak Technique. Development Of Finger Independence And Dexterity; Basic Performance Techniques. May Be Repeated For Maximum Credit Of 4 Hours.

  • MVK 1111 Class Piano I (1)

    Practical Piano Performance Techniques; Scales And Cadences; Simple Compositions; Development Of Piano Techniques, Sight Reading Skills, And Musicianship. May Be Repeated For Maximum Credit Of 2 Hours.

  • MVK 1111C Class Piano (1)

    Practical Piano Performance Techniques; Scales And Cadences; Simple Compositions; Development Of Piano Techniques, Sight Reading Skills, And Musicianship. May Be Repeated For Maximum Credit Of 2 Hours.

  • MVK 1112 Class Piano II (1)

    Practical Piano Performance Techniques; Scales And Cadences; Simple Compositions; Development Of Piano Techniques, Sight Reading Skills, And Musicianship. May Be Repeated For Maximum Credit Of 2 Hours.

  • MVK 1311 Applied Piano (2)

    Piano Technique Development Through Selected Studies: Bach Two And Three Part Inventions, Mozart And Haydn Sonatas, Works Form Romantic And Contemporary Periods. May Be Repeated For Maximum Credit Of 4 Hours.

  • MVK 2121 Class Piano III (1)

    Continued Development Of Practical Performance Techniques; Scales And Cadences; Medium Difficulty Composition; Patriotic Songs; Hymns And Chorales; Development Of Piano Techniques, Sight Reading Skills, And Musicianship. May Be Repeated For Maximum Credit Of 2 Hours.

  • MVK 2122 Class Piano IV (1)

    Continued Development Of Practical Performance Techniques; Scales And Cadences; Medium Difficulty Composition; Patriotic Songs; Hymns And Chorales; Development Of Piano Techniques, Sight Reading Skills, And Musicianship. May Be Repeated For Maximum Credit Of 2 Hours.

  • MVK 2321 Applied Piano (2)

    Continued Piano Technique Development; Scales Dominant And Diminished Seventh Chord Arpeggios, Rhythmic And Octave Techniques, Works By Bach, Beethoven, And From Romantic And Contemporary Period Composers. May Be Repeated For Maximum Credit Of 4 Hours.

  • MVK 3331 Applied Piano (2)

    Study Of Masterworks Form Baroque, Classical, Romantic And Contemporary Periods; Attainment Of Advanced Technical Facility. May Be Repeated For Maximum Credit Of 4 Hours.

  • MVK 4341 Applied Piano (2)

    General Performance Problems, In Preparation For Required Senior Recital. Performance Of Senior Recital Hearing.

  • MVK 4343 Prin Applied Organ

Plant Science

  • PLS 2221C Plant Propagation (3)

    Sexual And Asexual Reproduction Of Plants, Including Propagation By Seed, Cuttings, And Grafts To Other Structures.

  • PLS 3223C Plant Propagation

  • PLS 4243C Micropr Higher Plant

  • PLS 6628 Eco Dis & Mgt Of Nvasive Plant

    The Course Will Provide Background Knowledge On Ecology Of Invasive Plants Species. Detailed Will Be Presented For Selected Invasive Species That Are Problematic In Different Regions Of The Us Management Strategies Involving Mechanical, Chemical And Biological For These Invasive Species Will Be Discussed. In Additional To Web-based Exams And Chat Room Discussions, Students Will Be Required To Develop A Portfolio Of At Least 15 Invasive Plants In Their Respective States /regions For A Video-conference Discussion With The Rest Of The Class. A Major Outcome Of This Course Will Be That Students Will Develop Skills To Identify And Manage Plants Invasive Species While Understanding The Basic Concepts Of Ecological Restoration Using Native Plant Species

Political Science

  • POS 201 Amer National Government

    Emphasizes Constitutional Principles, Civil Liberties, Electoral, Legislative, And Judicial Processes, Bureaucratic Structure, And Fiscal Management.

  • POS 1041 Amer Gov : National

  • POS 1921 Intro Prof Devel I

  • POS 2001 Introduction To Political Science (3)

    Basic concepts, principles, and practices used in political science. Recommended for sophomores majoring in this area.

    Course Attribute: General Education
    Course Attribute Value: Social Science
  • POS 2041 American National Government (3)

    Survey Of Government Structure And Functions, Theory, And Practices. Emphasizes Constitutional Principles, Civil Liberties, Electoral, Legislative, And Judicial Processes, Bureaucratic Structure, And Fiscal Management.

    Course Attribute: General Education
    Course Attribute Value: Social Science
  • POS 2041E American National Government (3)

    Survey Of Government Structure And Functions, Theory, And Practices. Emphasizes Constitutional Principles, Civil Liberties, Electoral, Legislative, And Judicial Processes, Bureaucratic Structure, And Fiscal Management.

    Course Attribute: General Education
    Course Attribute Value: Social Science
  • POS 2112 American State And Local Government (3)

    Prerequisite: POS 2041  Or Consent Of Instructor. Comparison And Analysis Of Government Organizations And Operations, Intergovernmental Relations, Political Participation, Politics, Policies, And Fiscal Management.

    Course Attribute: General Education
    Course Attribute Value: Social Science
  • POS 2922 Interm Prof Devel I

  • POS 3142 Municipal Government (3)

    Prerequisite: POS 2112 . Survey Of Modern Urban Government; Urban Social And Political Problems, Relations With Other Governmental Units, And Governmental Organization And Operation. Some Field Work Required.


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