Sep 13, 2024  
General Catalog 2014/2015 
General Catalog 2014/2015 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admissions and Related Matters General Policies

For additional infromation on Admissions Matters

Florida A&M University utilizes the FAMU undergraduate application for admission. Applicants can apply on-line or download FAMU’s application from our website at www.famu. edu. You may also check the status of your application on-line at our website. Admissions contact information is (850) 599-3796 or by e-mail at

Each applicant must submit a $35 non-refundable fee with the admission application. Payments may be made by credit, debit card, or wire transfer for on-line applications. Cashier’s check, money order and fee waivers must be submitted with hard copy applications. Fee waivers are accepted from First-Time-in-College Florida residents who can document that they have received a fee waiver based on economic need as determined by the College Board or the American College Testing Program. Submission of applications may be as early as 12 months prior to the anticipated enrollment date and by the deadline stated in the University calendar.

The selection of students for admission is within the jurisdiction of the University but subject to minimum State or Board standards. In all admission actions, the University will give attention to the need to satisfy equal opportunity/affirmative action goals.

Each person admitted and enrolled must have a high school diploma or General Equivalency Diploma (GED). Admission requires high school graduation from a regionally accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education or the Council for Higher Education. Earning a Certificate of Completion does not qualify applicants for admission.

Florida Statute 1006.53, Rule 6C-6.001 FAC, and Rule 6C-6.007 FAC establish immunization requirements for students attending state colleges and universities. Students are required to complete and submit information on the FAMU Health History and Immunization form along with any required documentation. Each student accepted for admission shall, prior to enrollment, submit proof of immunizations. All entering students born in or after 1957 must provide proof of immunizations which is mandatory. Additional information can be obtained from Student Health Services.

An application or residency affidavit submitted by or on behalf of a student that contains false, fraudulent, or incomplete statements may result in denial of admission or denial of further registration and/or invalidation of FAMU credits. A dependent claiming Florida residency affidavit, which is part of the application for admission, must be completed by the parent or legal guardian. Failure to complete the affidavit will result in the student being assessed outof- state fees for tuition purposes. Florida Statute 1009.21 requires that proof of Florida residency must be supported by submitting copies of documentation indicated on the residency affidavit.

Admission to FAMU shall be on a selective basis based upon curricula, space, and fiscal limitations. The selection process includes, but may not be limited to, grades; test scores; educational objectives; pattern of courses completed; past conduct; recommendations; and personal records. Admission is contingent upon the subsequent receipt of official high school and college or University transcripts and verification of high school diplomas, associate of arts, baccalaureate and master’s degrees. If these documents are not received, it will result in cancellation of admission or registration.

Applicants who are denied admission will be notified in writing via email and postal mail within a reasonable time period of the admission decision.

Confirmation of financial aid, a scholarship, fellowship, or grant-in-aid does not guarantee admission to the University.

When a former student attends another post-secondary institution since last attending FAMU, the admission status requires evaluation.

A limited number of students not meeting the high school foreign language requirement may be admitted; however, these students must fulfill the foreign language requirement prior to completion of the baccalaureate degree. Any undergraduate student admitted without two years of one foreign language or American Sign Language or the equivalent of such instruction at the postsecondary level (except those exempted in BOG Regulation 6.002 (1) h) and 6.004 (2) e) must complete eight semester hours in one foreign language prior to graduation.

Application Deadlines

Spring Term November 15th  
Summer Sessions March 15th  
Fall Term May 15th  
Transfer Applicants    
Pharmacy February 1st  

Freshman Applicants (First-Time-in-College)

A first-time-in-college (FTIC) applicant is required to possess a diploma from a Florida public or regionally accredited high school, an accredited out-of-state high school or, if foreign, its equivalent.

Students applying for admission will submit test scores from the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) of the College Entrance Examination Board or from the American College Testing (ACT) program. ACT and SAT scores must include the combined English/ Writing component. International applicants must present scores of at least 500 (Paper-based test), 173 – (Computer-based test) and 61 (Internet-based test) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) if the native language is not English.

An applicant who has at least a 3.0 (recalculated) grade point average on a 4.0 scale in core academic units completed in grades 9 through 12 and who submits other appropriate evidence that indicates successful academic progress is academically eligible for admission. When calculating grade point averages, additional weight is assigned for International Baccalaureate - 1 (IB) courses, Honors - .5 courses, Advanced Placement - 1 (AP), courses and AICE - 1 courses, and Dual Enrollment - 1 courses. Specific high school course units are required for admission as a first year student (an academic unit is a year-long course which is not remedial in nature).

  1. FTIC students applying to Florida A&M University for summer 2011 or later may be considered for admission based on the following criteria:
    1. An FTIC student may be admitted if he/she has an unweighted high school grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 or higher on a 4.00 scale as calculated by the University, OR
    2. An FTIC student may be admitted if he/she has an unweighted high school GPA of 2.5 - 2.99 on a 4.00 scale as calculated by the University. Course work from which a student has withdrawn with passing grades will not be included in the calculation.

- Repeated courses are calculated with the highest grade.

In addition to achieving the minimum GPA, a student must achieve the minimum scores for each SAT Reasoning Test or ACT section as outlined below:

SAT - Critical Reading >= 460 or ACT - Reading >= 19,
SAT - Mathematics >= 460 or ACT - Mathematics >= 19, and
SAT - Writing >= 440 or ACT - Combined English/Writing >=18

  1. An FTIC applicant must have completed the secondary academic unit requirements:
Academic Subject Units Required  
English 4  
Math 4  
Natural Science 3  
Social Science 3  
Foreign Language 2  

Additional academic electives from the above five subject areas and courses to be recommended by the Florida Association of School Administrators, or other groups, and approved by the Articulation Committee of the Department of Education

  1. Three of which must have included substantial writing requirements.
  2. Algebra 1 and above.
  3. Two of which must have included substantial laboratory requirements.
  4. Includes: anthropology, history, civics, political science, economics, sociology, psychology and/or geography.
  5. Both credits must be in the same language. American Sign Language will be accepted in place of a foreign language.
Total 18  

A student applying for admission who has - a 3.0 average (as calculated by the Admissions Office) in the required academic units described above is eligible for admission regardless of the ACT or SAT test including the combined English/writing component with the exception of programs with specific departmental requirements.

Applicants who are dually enrolled in any course work at a college or University or as a special student must submit an official transcript from that institution.

The Admissions Committee may consider any applicant who does not meet requirements but has other important attributes or special talents. The committee may recommend admission.

In determining eligibility for admission, reasonable substitution for any course or night school unit may be accepted for applicants who are hearing impaired, visually impaired, or dyslexic. Applicants must provide documentation indicating failure to meet the admission requirement related to the disability or must have a specific learning disability. Documents required include, but are not limited to, a physician’s statement, vocational rehabilitation records, optometrist, audiologist, psychologist, or other health care professional, and school records maintained as a result of the exceptional child provisions. We encourage you to contact the Center for Disability Access and Resources at (850) 599-3180 if you are seeking admission based on a specific learning disability.

Applicants denied admission to the University may appeal the admissions decision to the Admissions Committee if it is felt that there are extenuating circumstances or information not revealed. Appeals for exception should be in writing and directed to the Office of Admissions. In addition, a minimum of two letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, or principal are required. Petitioning for admission to the University is no guarantee of approval. The decision of the Admissions Committee is final.

Home Schooled Students

Home Education or Other Non-Traditional High School Program participants: A student applying for admission who has participated in a non-traditional high school program must present credentials determined to be equivalent to those described in this regulation. A student whose high school educational program is not measured in Carnegie Units must present a test score of at least 1450 on the SAT (reading, writing, math), a minimum composite score of 21 on the ACT. The University reserves the right to require a student to take an updated version of a test. A 3.0 average, 18 academic-college preparatory units and essay are required for home schooled students. Official transcripts must be certified through the school district.

Undergraduate Transfer Applicants

A transfer is any student who has attended a regionally accredited college or University and has earned 12 or more semester hours (except as high school dual enrolled students).

An international transfer applicant whose native language is not English must present a minimum score of 500 (Paper-based test) or -173 (Computer-based test) or 61 (Internet-based test) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or a certificate from an English Language Institute.

To meet graduation requirements for the baccalaureate degree, FAMU requires a student to earn at least 30 semester hours in residency.

Transfer students entering FAMU must have completed two (2) years of foreign language in high school or eight semester hours (or the equivalent) of a foreign language at an accredited undergraduate institution prior to enrollment.

Some academic programs have limited enrollment and student demands exceed available resources. Due to instructional facilities, laboratory space, equipment, faculty, etc., these programs have selective admissions criteria to limit enrollment. Architecture, Journalism, Public Relations and Nursing are approved limited access programs. Pharmacy and Social Work require applicants to complete departmental applications.

The University subscribes to the Articulation Agreement between the State University System and the Florida State College System. Under this agreement, graduates of Florida public state/community colleges are eligible for admission to non-limited access programs at a state University if they have completed the University parallel program and have received the associate of arts degree and will receive priority admission over out-of-state students. In accordance with the Articulation Agreement, the AA degree must be awarded on the basis of the following:

  • At least 60 semester hours of academic work exclusive of occupational courses;
  • An approved general education program of at least 36 semester hours; and
  • Overall grade point average of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 system.Undergraduate transfer applicants who receive the AA degree from a state University in Florida must meet the same minimum requirements as undergraduate transfers who receive the AA degree from a college in the Florida State College System.

Undergraduate transfer applicants who have not earned the AA degree from a Florida state/community college or from a state University in Florida must meet the following requirements:

  1. Must be in good standing and eligible to return to the last institution attended;
  2. Must have completed two years of one foreign language in high school or eight semester hours of post-secondary level instruction in one foreign language or American sign language;
  3. Must have earned at least 60 semester hours and at least a 2.0 average on a 4.0 scale in all college work attempted from an accredited institution;
  4. If an applicant has attended more than one institution, the cumulative grade point average from each institution must be at least 2.0 for the acceptance of transfer credit unless the student has not earned the Associate of Arts degree or higher; and
  5. Transfer applicants with less than 60 semester hours must meet first-time-in-college admission requirements in accordance with Admission Regulations.

FAMU requires provisionally admitted transfer students to provide proof of 60 semester hours and at least a 2.0 average on a 4.0 scale in all college work attempted from previous institution(s) prior to registration.

FAMU will consider transfer applicants with at least 24-59 semester hours with a 2.50 (on a 4.0 scale) overall college grade point average; a 2.50 re-calculated high school grade point average in college preparatory courses, and have taken the ACT to include the combined English/Writing or the SAT with the writing component.

Transfer applicants with at least 12-23 semester hours are required to have 2.50 (on a 4.0 scale) overall college grade point average; a 2.50 re-calculated high school grade point average in college preparatory courses, 18 academic units, and SAT - Math - 460, Critical Reading - 460, Writing - 440 or ACT Reading - 19, Math - 19, Combined English/Writing 18

Awarding of credit for military service academic courses is based on recommendations of the American Council of Education (ACE Manuals) when official credentials have been properly presented. However, recommendations by ACE are not binding upon the University. Military service academic course credits are requested at the time of admission.

The associate of science (AS) degree is a two-year terminal degree and does not assure admission or certify the applicant as having completed the general education requirements, or qualify the applicant for upper division status, except under provisions of statewide AS to BS articulation agreements. In case of other AS programs, final determination of AS degree credits rests with the dean of the college or school as applicable. The awarding of any upper division credit for lower division AS degree courses will be at the discretion of the respective FAMU College or School unless explicitly provided for under statewide AS to baccalaureate agreements.

Early Admission

Early admission is a form of dual enrollment through which eligible secondary students are admitted on a full-time basis in courses that are creditable toward both the high school diploma and the students’ University degree program.

Early admission is granted to students with outstanding credentials who demonstrate potential to do college-level work. Applications for early admission should be submitted during the junior year along with high school transcripts and SAT or ACT scores. If accepted for Early Admission, the student would enter FAMU as a freshman instead of attending high school for the senior year. A copy of the final high school transcript is required when the diploma is received.

Qualifications for consideration for Early Admission are: 3.0 GPA (as calculated by FAMU) after six semesters of high school.

  1. High school grade point average of 3.0 or higher (calculated by FAMU) in academic subjects after six semesters of high school.
  2. 18 academic units required
  3. SAT - Math - 460, Critical Reading - 460, Writing - 440 or
  4. ACT Reading - 19, Math - 19, Combined English/Writing 18
  5. A recommendation from the principal (or designated representative) is required.

Transient Students

A Transient student is a currently enrolled student who registers for course(s) at another institution temporarily. There are two types of transient students - outgoing and incoming.

Outgoing: An Outgoing Transient student is a currently enrolled FAMU student who registers for course(s) at another institution for one term with the intention of applying the credit toward his/ her degree program. Transient students must receive approval from their academic advisors before taking a course at any other institution.

Incoming: An Incoming Transient student is a student currently enrolled at another institution who wishes to register for course(s) at Florida A&M University for one term. Incoming Transient students should receive approval from their home institution before registering for a course at Florida A&M University.

Enrollment as a transient student in no way implies future admission as a regular student at Florida A&M University. Contact the Registrar’s Office for detailed information on enrolling as a transient student.

International Applicants

International students must submit the following for admission to Florida A&M University:

  1. Application for admission with a non-refundable application fee of $30;
  2. A certified bank statement of finances;
  3. Academic credentials (credentials must be certified true copies from high school; college or University). Original transcripts from all institutions must be submitted from the foreign institutions directly to the Office of Admissions. To determine academic eligibility for admissions, academic credentials must be: (a) translated into English and (b) evaluated course by course by an evaluation service. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact the evaluation agency directly and provide FAMU with an original evaluation of all academic credentials. Acceptable evaluators can be found at the web pages of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES)
  4. Scores resulting from the SAT or ACT (College Entrance Examination - no exceptions or waivers); and
  5. Scores resulting from the TOEFL, (TOEFL score requirements are: (Paper-based 500; computer-based 173-; Internet-based 61).

An applicant transferring from another college or University in the United States must submit an official transcript(s) of final grades reflecting at least 60 semester or 90 quarter hours and at least a 2.0 grade point average. In addition, the applicant must have been interviewed and filed Form I-538 (application for school transfer).

Each international student accepted for admission shall, prior to registration, submit proof of compliance with the mandatory health and accident insurance requirement. Written proof of insurance must be provided and valid for one year from the date of first enrollment and each year thereafter. Coverage must be valid in the United States and meet benefit requirements established by the Florida Board of Governors Regulation 6.009.

The Office of International Education is responsible for administering special programs for all sponsored international students. There is an administrative cost of $200 per student per semester to the sponsoring agency for these required programs.

Readmission of Former Students

Students not in attendance during two consecutive terms (exclusive of the summer), must apply for readmission to the University. An application fee is not required for returning students. Applications of students with permanent University holds or those students not in good standing with the University will not be processed.

Former students who attended another college or University since last attending FAMU are required to submit official transcripts for re-evaluation.

Applications for Admissions

The following applications for admission to Florida A&M University are available through the Office of Admissions, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL 32307-3200 and through that office’s website.

  1. Florida A&M University Undergraduate Admission Application,
  2. Florida A&M University, Application for Readmission