Feb 13, 2025  
2015-2016 General Catalog 
2015-2016 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Information

Financial Regulations

Registration - Students must be prepared to make full payment of fees, including room and board, for each semester. No student will be permitted to register until all unpaid University accounts and fees have been satisfied. This includes delinquent short term loans, traffic and library fines, clinic charges, and other obligations to the University.

All checks tendered for fee payment which are returned unpaid by the bank may cause the student’s registration to be canceled. However, the student remains liable and must make prompt restitution for the face amount of the check plus a service charge of $10 or 5% of the face amount, whichever is greater. Subsequent personal checks from the maker of the check will not be accepted by the University.

Failure to pay for these fees, unless the student has an approved deferment, will result in the cancellation of the student’s registration/prohibit release of transcripts and diploma.

A returned check fee, pursuant to Section 832.07, Florida Statutes, as now or hereafter amended, will be assessed for checks returned to the University. If a student issues the check, the student’s ability to register for classes and receive transcripts will be suspended until the account has been paid in full.


Students exempted from any fees indicated above shall not be entitled to any of the privileges which the payment of such fee gives. Collection cost may be assessed to student.

Cashier and Student Account Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.


Registration and tuition fees are established by the Board of Education and the FAMU Board of Trustees as required by the Florida Legislature. These fees are subject to change without notice. The current credit hour fee schedule is as follows:

Undergraduate $151.78 $549.80
Graduate 405.67 1,022.04
Law 455.86 1,097.89

Other Semester Fees

Orientation (New Student Only) $ 35.00
Health (Six or more hours) 59.00
Material & Supply Fee 15.00 - 300.00
Official Transcripts (each) 10.00
Transportation & Access Fee 65.00               (Summer $33.00)
Repeat Surcharge Regular (additional per credit hour) 158.84
College Prep. (additional per credit hour) 182.00
Late Registration 100.00
Late Payment 100.00
I.D. Card Fee  (Fall & Spring) 5.00
Differential Fee $36.38;
College of Law Bar Review Preparation Fee $2400.

Excess Credit Hours

Undergraduate students entering fall, 2009 and fall, 2010 academic years will pay 50% more tuition per credit hour for each credit hour exceeding 144 attempted credit hours. Undergraduate students entering fall, 2011 academic year will pay 100% more tuition per credit hour for each credit hour exceeding 138 attempted credit hours. Undergraduate students entering fall, 2012 academic year and thereafter will pay 100% more tuition per credit hour for each credit hour exceeding 132 attempted credit hours.

Repeat Course Surcharge

In accordance with State of Florida statutes, 240.124 & 240.177, each University in the State University System is required to implement a repeat course surcharge for students who take a State-funded undergraduate course for the third time or a college preparatory course for the second time.

Accordingly, beginning the Fall Semester 1997, students who repeat the same course for the third time at FAMU will be subject to an increased matriculation fee of 100% of the cost instruction.  Students who repeat the same college preparatory course (i.e., for the second time) at FAMU will also be subject to an increased matriculation fee of 100% of the cost instruction.  However, exceptions may be made for individualized study, courses that are repeated as a requirement of a major, and courses that are intended as continuing over multiple semesters.  The repeat of coursework more than two times to increase grade point average or meet minimum course grade requirements is also subject to the surcharge.  (Attempts prior to Fall 1997 will not be counted under this statute).

Economy Meal Plan

Florida A&M University Dining Services provides nutritious, wholesome and delicious meals to Faculty, Staff and Students. Students residing in the following Residence Halls (FAMU Village, Gibbs Hall, PaddyFoote Complex, Sampson Hall, Truth Hall, and Young Hall) are required to purchase one of the Mandatory Meals Plans.  All other students have the option to purchase a Commuter Meal Plan, one of the Mandatory Meals Plans or no Meal Plan.  Meal Plans options, information and prices can be found at www.metzfamu.com.

University Refund Policy

A 100% fee refund/charge adjustment will be made to the student for tuition and registration fees if notice of withdrawal from the University is approved prior to the end of the drop/add period and written documentation is received from the student. Terms in the student housing contract will determine the refund of room rent, whereas board will be prorated based on the approved date of cancellation.

  1. A 25% refund/charge adjustment of registration and tuition fees, less building and capital improvement fees, will be made if notice of withdrawal from the University is approved prior to the end of the fourth (4th) week of classes and written documentation is received from the student or at an appropriate time as designated by the University for summer sessions. The late registration/ payment is nonrefundable.
  2. A 100% refund/charge adjustment will be made of the registration and tuition fees if a student withdraws or drops a course due to circumstances determined by the University to be exceptional and beyond the control of the student, including but not limited to:
    1. Illness of a student of such severity or duration, as confirmed in writing by a physician, to preclude completion of the course(s),
    2. Death of the student or death in the immediate family (parent, spouse, child, or sibling),
    3. Involuntary call to active military duty,
    4. Or a situation in which the University is in error. Formal application for a refund in the instances specified above must be made to the office of the University registrar on forms provided by that office.

Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships

The role of the Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Office (SFAO) is to provide assistance to students and parents by identifying resources to be used to help offset educational costs. Financial aid funds are awarded primarily on the basis of a student’s demonstrated financial need without regard to race, color, sex, national origin or disability. Through a comprehensive financial aid program, administered and coordinated by the SFAO, the University seeks to assist all students who demonstrate financial need. While the full need of all applicants cannot be met, every effort will be made to assist students in locating resources.

Financial aid awards may include loans, grants, scholarships, or part-time employment and may be offered singularly or in various combinations. When a student applies, a good rule to follow is to apply at least six (6) months prior to the term of expected enrollment.


Scholarships and Grants - Scholarships and grants do not have to be repaid. They are available from many sources, including the federal government, state agencies, professional and service organizations, private foundations and individual schools.

Loans - Loans may come from many sources, including the federal government by way of the school or from private financial institutions. Interest rates for most student loans are very reasonable, but may vary for private loans since they are credit based. Depending on the loan program, money is loaned either directly to the student or to the parents.

Work-study Jobs - Work-study programs allow students to earn money toward their education while they’re going to school. Students can sometimes find jobs related to their program of study. Work-study wages are based on federal minimum wage guidelines, but they may vary according to the skill and experience needed for the job.

How to Apply for Financial Aid

The Free Application For Student Financial Aid (FAFSA) is available at www.fafsa.ed.gov.  The student and parent will need a federal pin number to process the FAFSA. Visit www.pin.ed.gov to retrieve. The University priority deadline is March 1st of each year.


To receive The Student Guide Booklet on Federal Programs (Department of Education) write to: Student Financial Aid, Room 101 Foote-Hilyer Administration Center, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, Florida 32307-3200 or Federal Student Aid Information Center, Post Office Box 84, Washington, DC 20044-0084.


The Florida Department of Education, Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) administers a variety of state-funded grants and scholarships to assist Florida residents with the cost of their postsecondary education. Visit www.floridastudentfinancialaid.org for additional information.

Students with Disabilities

In accordance with Chapter 240.4041, Florida Statutes, students with disabilities who are unable to carry a 12-hour course load due to their disabilities may be eligible for consideration of the Florida Student Assistance Grant Program. Certain requirements regarding disability documentation are necessary. Therefore interested students must check with the Center for Disability Access and Resources Office (CEDAR) at (850) 599-3180 to ensure that they meet eligibility standards.


Presidential Scholar Program

The Presidential Scholarship Program is a component of the Division of Student Affairs and the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.  The offices will select and screen applicants for participation in the program and forward recommendations to the President of the University.  After the offer is made, the official letter of offer will be forwarded to the applicant.

All scholarship participants must apply for financial aid each year by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Life-Gets-Better Scholarship

Selected first time in college incoming freshmen designated as National Achievement Scholarship Program, National Hispanic Recognition Program, or National Merit Scholarship Program Finalist or Semifinalist by the National Merit Corporation and who have an unweighted 3.50 GPA; and scores of an 1800 on the SAT or 27 on the ACT; or

Incoming freshmen who have at least an unweighted 3.50 GPA and scores of 1900 on the SAT or 29 on the ACT will receive the following over four (4) consecutive years, excluding summer terms if eligibility is maintained will receive the following: Tuition, fees, room, board, books-not to exceed $500/semester, $500/ semester stipend, opportunities for internship(s) or research, laptop, and waiver of $350-housing deposit.

Prospective recipients must major in Biology, Chemistry, -Computer Science, Engineering, Environmental Science, Mathematics or Physics in order to be eligible for this scholarship. Selected individuals are verified through the FAMU application process and submission of official documents. Students that do not choose the above-mentioned majors will be offered the Distinguished Scholar Award (DSA).

Distinguished Scholars Award Scholarship

Incoming freshmen who have scores of at least 1800 on the SAT or 27 on the ACT and have a high school academic core GPA of 3.50 or National Achievement, Merit, Hispanic Semifinalists/Finalists:

Florida Residents receive a full four-year scholarship that pays for tuition and fees, double occupancy room rate, and board.  The $350 housing deposit will be waived for Florida Bright Futures Scholar awardees.  Additionally, National Achievement Semifinalists/Finalists and students majoring in Engineering will receive up to $500 a semester for books.  Additionally, National Achievement Finalists will receive a laptop.

A National Achievement Scholar will receive a laptop, $500 per semester for books and a $500 semester stipend.

Out-of-State students receive a four-year scholarship that pays for tuition and fees.  A National Achievement Semifinalist will receive double occupancy room rate and board.  A National Achievement Finalist will receive a laptop.  A National Achievement Scholar will receive a laptop, $500 per semester for books and a $500 semester stipend.

George W. Gore Assistantship

This is a four-year scholarship.  Incoming freshmen who have at least 1650 (R&M) on the SAT or 23 on the ACT and a minimum high school GPA of 3.00 qualify for the following awards:

Test Score Requirement Annual Award
ACT 23 or SAT 1650 - 1679 $2,000
ACT 24 or SAT 1680 - 1724 $3,000
ACT 25 or SAT 1725 - 1754 $4,000
ACT 26 or SAT 1755 - 1784 $5,000
SAT 1785 and up $6,000

Incoming freshmen majoring in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Mathematics or Physics will receive an extra award of $1,000 annually, and Engineering majors will receive an extra award of $2,000 annually.

Florida Community College Scholarship

The scholarship was established to assist high achieving Florida community/junior college graduates.  This partial scholarship is a two-year undergraduate scholarship awarded to a AA or AS Degree transfer student who has a minimum 2.50 GPA and is not enrolled as a FAMU student.  The annual amount of the scholarship is as follows:

Cumulative GPA Annual Award
2.50 - 2.74 $1,500
2.75 - 3.00 $2,000
3.01 - 3.49 $3,000
3.50 - 3.99 or PTK Member $4,000
4.00 $5,000


The President’s Special Scholarship recipient must have an academic high school GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.  The recipient must have at least an SAT score of 1000 or at least an ACT score of 20.  The recipient must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 at the end of each semester and be enrolled in fifteen (15) hours each Fall and Spring semester and pass all courses attempted.

For additional information about the scholarships listed above, please call: (850) 599-3512.

Other Scholarships

Army ROTC - Awards of two-, three-, and four-year and green and gold scholarships are given to outstanding applicants. Each scholarship pays full tuition (in-state/out-of-state) and room and board. In addition to the awarded scholarship, each winner receives a flat rate of $450 annually for books, supplies and equipment, as well as up to $1,500 in spending money, tax free. Interested students should contact the Department of Military Science at (850) 599-3515/3516.

School of Business and Industry (SBI)-Limited financial aid is available to SBI students through both SBI and the University Office of Financial Aid. Although SBI announces its awards to students, all award are made by the FAMU Office of Financial Aid, and all rules of that office must be followed. All students receiving SBI awards must file all appropriate financial aid forms. Awards will be made to only those students who complete the financial aid application process.

Admits who desire aid, but did not receive an SBI award, should apply directly to: Office of Financial Aid, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL 32307, phone: (850) 599-3730.

Robert T. Bacon Scholarship-This scholarship is to be awarded to a student in the School of Business and Industry from the Northeast Region.

College of Agriculture and Food Sciences- The USDA Forest Service Scholarships for freshmen and sophomore Forestry and Natural Resource Conservation majors; The Ruben Capeluto Scholarship available to Entomology majors; The Benjamin L. Perry, Jr. Agricultural Sciences Scholarship for Agricultural Sciences majors; and The Florida Rural Rehabilitation Corp. Agricultural Sciences Scholarship Fund for Agricultural Sciences majors coming from a Florida farm or a rural Florida background.  Interested students should contact CESTA at (850) 599-8816.

College of Architecture and Engineering Technology-The Dwight D. Eisenhower Scholarship for engineering technology; The Gainesville Regional Electricity Scholarships for freshmen in Electronic Engineering Technology; The Hensel-Phelph Scholarship for juniors and seniors in Construction/Civil Engineering Technology; The Ray Long Alumni Scholarship for Engineering Technology majors; The URS-Greiner, Incorporation Scholarship available to Construction/Civil Engineering Technology majors.

College of Pharmacy-Contact the dean of the School of Pharmacy for information regarding the following scholarships available to pharmacy majors: Kellogg Foundation, Pfeiffer Foundation, Pfizer Foundation, Warner-Lambert, Jack Eckerd’s Drugs, John W. Dargaval, McKesson & Robbins, Rexall Mortar and Pestle Trophy, Reyno Award, Broward County Pharmaceutical Company. Interested students should contact the College of Pharmacy at (850) 599-3301.

Air Force ROTC Scholarships-Four, three and one-half, two and one-half, or two-year scholarships based on merit are available to selected AFROTC students. Each scholarship pays full tuition, books, laboratory expenses, and a $100 per month tax-exempt allowance. Four-year scholarships must be applied for no later than December 15th of the senior year in high school. Other scholarships may be applied for after enrolling in college level AFROTC courses. Interested students should contact the Department of Aerospace Studies, Florida State University, telephone 644-3461.

Alethia A. Lesesne Howard Award Fund of $1,000-This fund provides an annual award in the amount of $1,000 to a member of the senior class. The award is based on excellence in English literature and on character, scholarship, and personality. The fund was established by Dr. W. H. Lesesne Howard, class of 1917, B.S., in honor of his mother Mrs. Alethia A. Lesesne Howard. From the basic sum of $16,033.67, in the Home Owner’s Federal Savings and Loan Association of Boston, Mass., $1,000 annually in interest will provide the award. A selection committee composed of the chairperson and two members of the department of languages and literature chooses two nominees on an annual basis to compete for the $1,000 award. The finalist is selected by two trustees of the Fund at Boston, Mass.

Alumni Chapter-County alumni chapters set up the criteria for these scholarships and select the recipients for same. Funds are sent annually to the FAMU director of Alumni Affairs. Active chapters participating are: Leon; Philadelphia; Palm Beach; Gadsden; Broward; Brevard; Seminole; Washington, D.C.; Jefferson; Marion; Escambia; Orange-Orlando; New York; New Jersey; Daytona Beach Delta Sigma Theta Sorority; and the Miami-Gold Coast Chapter. Interested students should contact the FAMU Foundation at (850) 599-3860.

The Arthur Thompson Scholarship is a $2,500 award for local students enrolled in Florida A&M University who demonstrate a dire need for financial assistance to continue their educational career. Interested students should contact the Office of Public Affairs at (850) 599-3413.

American Foundation of Pharmaceutical Education Award-The Board of Grants of the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education provides a fund of $400 annually to be awarded to highly deserving students who are in need of financial aid. Third, fourth, and fifth year students in the upper quarter of their class who maintain a 3.00 average or higher are eligible. Individuals who are receiving veterans benefits are not eligible for this scholarship. Interested students should contact the College of Pharmacy at (850) 599-3030.

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation-The Department of Children and Family Services provides scholarship assistance to some persons who are physically or mentally handicapped or who have a behavior disorder due to social or cultural deprivation. The applicant must have average high school grades and at least a “C” average if already enrolled in Florida A&M University.

Application for this assistance should be made at least three months prior to the time the student wishes to enroll. Application can be made to the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Tallahassee District Office (850-599-5330), or to the office nearest the student’s home.

Elsie Dunbar Scholarship-Two scholarships are available annually. Contact the FAMU Foundation for more information at (850) 599-3860.

NaLen Pittman Sociology Award-This $1,000 annual award was established by Dr. Ezell Pittman in memory of his parents, Nathaniel and Lena Wynn Pittman.  The scholarship is to be awarded to a sophomore, junior or senior majoring in sociology who has a 2.0 or better GPA.; and is in need of financial assistance to pay for books and tuition.  Priority will be given to a student from Jackson, Gulf, or Duval counties if the GPA requirement is met along with demonstrated leadership ability and commitment to community service.  The recipient will be selected by the Sociology Scholarship Selection Committee. For Additional information, contact the Sociology Department at 599-3316.

NROTC Navy-Marine Scholarship Program-This scholarship plan pays tuition and fees, books, uniforms, and $100 per month subsistence allowance. The purpose of the program is to provide civilian educated career officers to serve American people in the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. For more information, contact the NROTC office at (850) 599-8412.

General Motors Endowed Scholarship Program-These endowed scholarships are designed to provide educational assistance to minority and female employees of General Motors, as well as spouses and offspring. Apply directly to the Office of Student Financial Aid.

The John Due and Patricia Stephens Due Freedom Scholarship-This endowed scholarship is named for FAMU alumni John Due and Patricia Stephens Due, who have been stalwart crusaders for civil rights and equality for more than four decades.  The John Due and Patricia Stephens Freedom Scholarship (“The Freedom Scholarship”) shall be administered by the following guidelines: 1) The Foundation Scholarship Committee or the Office of Recruitment and Scholarships shall determine all awardee(s) based on applications submitted by the posted deadline.  The scholarship committee overseeing interviews should include Attorney John Due. 2) The Freedom Scholarship shall be awarded annually to one student in the amount of $1,000 based on need, so long as the funds are available.  This scholarship is for tuition, room, board, books, and fees; 3) The Freedom Scholarship is designated for an undergraduate student with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.  Applicants must be majoring in history, sociology, journalism, black studies or political science-or be able to demonstrate outstanding volunteer work in civil rights or community improvement during their high school and/or college years; 4) Recipient(s) will be required to provide a photograph and written statement to the Foundation.  In this statement, the recipient(s) will write how they plan to use the legacy of the civil rights movement to do their part to make this a better nation.  These materials will be used for promotional purposes upon acceptance of this scholarship: 5) Recipient(s) must complete and sign a Scholarship Acceptance Form.  All scholarship winners will receive a paperback copy of Freedom in the Family: A Mother-Daughter Memoir of the Fight for Civil Rights, by Tananarive Due and Patricia Stephens Due; and 6) This scholarship may be renewed; however, current recipients must re-apply each year and follow the procedures outlined by the Committee. For more information, contact the FAMU Foundation at (850) 599-3860.

The Norma Solomon White Band Scholarship-Because of her love for FAMU and affiliations with the Music Program as the first female to participate in the Marching “100”, the first female band director in Jacksonville and the first female to conduct the Marching “100”, a perpetual remembrance for music students at the University was established. The Norma Solomon White Band Scholarship was created in the Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation. Awards are announced during commencement week or at a time designated for awards. The scholarship is presented to a deserving student at Florida A&M University. The recipient must be presently enrolled at FAMU pursuing a degree with a major in Music/Music Education and participating in the Marching “100” and Symphonic Bands. The Director of Bands and the band scholarship committee must recommend the recipient. For more information, contact the Director of Bands at (850) 599-3024.

William J. Gunn, Medical, Dental, and Pharmaceutical Association and The Women’s Auxiliary Scholarship-An award of $500 will be presented annually to a junior level student in the School of Nursing and the School of Pharmacy, with recipients coming from nursing one year and pharmacy the next. Students qualifying for the scholarship must have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average and be evaluated on scholarship, economic status, community activities, and campus activities.

Eddie Jackson Scholarship Fund-An award established to begin Fall semester of 2004-2005 to be presented in the amount of $750.00 per semester. The recipient must be a graduate of Jones High School in Orlando, Florida, with priority given to students who live in Lake Mann Homes or other public housing projects in Orlando. For more information, contact the FAMU Foundation at (850) 599-3860.

Althea Gibson Scholarship-An award established through an endowment made by Drs. William “Bill” H. Cosby, Jr. and Camille Olivia Cosby. Ms. Gibson was one of our acclaimed graduates and had the distinction of winning two Wimbledon singles titles, two U.S. Opens and a French Open, in the late 1950s. This scholarship supports students studying physical education, recreation and health, which were Ms. Gibson’s disciplines at FAMU. For more information, contact the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation at (850) 599-3135.

The Ethics in Business Scholarship Program- Designed to provide need-based scholarships to full-time undergraduate Florida residents attending Florida A&M University. For more information, contact the Office of Student Affairs at (850) 5993183.

School of Journalism and Graphic Communication Scholarships-Scholarships are awarded to freshmen or community college transfers admitted to FAMU to study journalism or graphic communication. To be eligible for consideration, first-time-incollege applicants must have at least a “B” average in English and a 3.4 GPA along with a 26 or higher ACT or 1100 or higher SAT score. Based on academic credentials and practical skills; awards may go as high as $2,500 per year. For more information, contact the School of Journalism at (850) 599-3379.

Anne Richardson Gayles-Felton Endowed Scholarship Fund
This scholarship shall be awarded to teacher education undergraduate students in the College of Education who meet the following criteria: fully admitted to the Teacher Education Program; maintain a minimum overall GPA of 3.00 and a GPA of 3.25 or better in their area of specification; and submit three (3) letters of recommendation.

The Anne Richardson Gayles-Felton Endowed Scholarship will be awarded annually to one person, but it can be renewed.  Recipients must apply each year. The award amount will be determined by the amount of funds accrued over and above the principal.  The scholarship is for tuition, matriculation fees, laboratory fees, and books. For more information, contact the Dean in the College of Education at (850) 599-3482.

Richard A. McLellan Endowed Scholarship-The Richard A. McLellan Endowed Scholarship was established by Richard A. McLellan to assist a deserving student preferably from the Apopka, Florida, geographical area. Applicants should possess a minimum 3.0 GPA, a minimum of 950 on the SAT and 21 on the ACT. Scholarships shall be awarded for a period of one (1) year. For more information, contact the FAMU Foundation at (850) 599-3860.

The Freddie Lang Groomes Scholarship-Designed to contribute to the development, improvement and education of single mothers at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Florida, by providing educational opportunities and financial support for single mothers entering or returning to school. For more information, contact the FAMU Foundation at (850) 599-3860.

George and Lula Rawls Endowed Scholarship-Established to support students who are aspiring toward a career in medicine. This scholarship has been established in honor of Lula P. and George H. Rawls. Participants must be either biology or chemistry majors who are committed to pursuing the M.D. degree. For more information, contact the FAMU Foundation at (850) 599-3860.

Martha J. and LaSalle Leffall, Sr. Endowment Fund-Established by Dr. LaSalle D. LeFall, Jr. in honor of his deceased parents. The Endowment will provide scholarships for students in science at Florida A&M University. This is a need-based scholarship to assist full-time, degree seeking undergraduate students preferably from Gadsden County Florida attending FAMU. Must be a U.S. citizen and a Florida resident. For more information, contact the FAMU Foundation at (850) 599-3860.

The Tom Joyner Foundation Scholastic Scholarship Program-Established to provide a need-based scholarship for full-time undergraduate students and “Save-A-Student” funds for Florida A&M University students. Recipients must be a U.S. Citizen; currently enrolled and a student in good scholastic standing with the University; student must have completed 10 hours of community/volunteer services per semester; open to both in-state and out-of-state students; and student must provide a statement of purpose/need for scholarship. For more information, contact the FAMU Foundation at (850) 599-3860.

Melvene Hardee Scholarship-This scholarship will be limited to applicants who have been admitted to the Teacher Education Program (TEP). Applicants will demonstrate their commitment to the profession of teaching by writing a letter of interest and intent that addresses teaching as their chosen profession. Financial need will be a decisive factor in the awarding of scholarships. For more information, contact the College of Education at (850) 599-3482.

Elinor Jackson Endowed Scholarship Fund-For a student in the Occupational Therapy Program. For more information, contact the School of Allied Health Sciences at (850) 599-3818.

Antoinette and Frederick S. Humphries Scholarship-For more information, contact the FAMU Foundation at (850) 599-3860.

Minnie Humphries Scholarship-For more information, contact the FAMU Foundation at (850) 599-3860.

Griffin-Tookes Endowed Scholarship-For more information, contact the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation at (850) 599-3135.

Costa and Emma Kittles Scholarship-For more information, contact the FAMU Foundation at (850) 599-3860.

Revolving Loan Fund - Short Term

Revolving loan funds are available to students who receive financial aid administered by the Office of Financial Aid. The financial aid office approves applicants who prove the need and urgency for financial assistance to continue or complete their educational objectives. All short term loans are payable in thirty to ninety (30-90) days. Students assuming financial responsibilities are expected to comply with loan procedures and policies.

NOTE: A $10.00 service charge is levied on all short-term loans.