Feb 15, 2025  
2016-2017 General Catalog 
2016-2017 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Affairs

The Division of Student Affairs is dedicated to facilitating attainment of the objectives of the University. Its primary emphasis is centered on the principles of developing a well-rounded student involving the student’s intellectual, physical, spiritual, leadership and emotional development To assist students in their personal adjustment and preparation for academic pursuits, the student development services, enrollment services, and student life components of the division provide services through the following offices.

The offices of New Student Orientation, Housing and Residential Life, Student Health Services Counseling Services, Learning Development Evaluation Center, Career Center, Student Union and Student Activities, Law Enforcement, Judicial and Resource Services, Ombudsman, Campus Recreation, and New Beginnings Child Care Center devote much time, energy and resources toward assisting the individual student in achieving maximum motivation and optimum growth and development. Aspects of departmental programs include social education, cooperative living, health and wellness, safety concerns, student involvement and participation, student government and leadership, veteran affairs, student disability, foreign and minority student programs, recruitment, co-curricular activities, counseling, intramural programs, and career placement.

New Student Orientation

The Office of New Student Orientation provides a number of services to incoming freshmen, transfer students, and the community at large. Its primary purpose is to assist in students’ transition into the collegiate environment by providing opportunities for entering students to develop realistic academic and personal goals, gain information about available support services and resources, and meet with faculty and staff, as well as current students. It also provides services to parents and family members, including information on how to help their students with the transition to college life.

Orientation programs are offered in the summer and spring semesters. During orientation, students receive pertinent information about the University’s rules and regulations, academic advisement, registration, financial aid, and campus life. The Orientation Office also coordinates campus tours to prospective students and to the general public. The office is located in Room 105 of the Student Union Building.

Housing and Residence Life: Living and Learning

Residential living offers an excellent opportunity to experience a “living and learning” environment. Living on campus provides students the opportunity to get fully involved in their academic process. The goal of the Office of Housing and Residence Life is to provide residents an effective living learning environment, supportive student development systems and programs and activities linked to academic learning.

Programming is the key element in making living in the residence halls an enlightening experience. Many of these programs are facilitated by Resident Assistants (RAs) or Resident Directors (RDs). RAs are trained student leaders that live on each floor of the residence halls. They develop programs and activities that develop community and assist residents with their development as students. The RDs are professional live-in staff members that serve as resources for residents, provide guidance, and assist with crisis management. Residence life programs are designed to help students develop a sense of community, meet and interact with each other, bring academic life into the halls, and provide relaxation and leisure. Through the assistance of professional and student staff, residents also learn to utilize many of the resources FAMU has to offer.

Housing is provided to all students regardless of race, creed, color or national origin. Facilities for males and females are proportionate in quantity, quality, and cost for each student. Housing is also available for students with special needs and disabilities.


University Rule 6C3-2.001 (13) Housing, Florida Administrative Code

All First Time In College (FTIC) students whose permanent home mailing address indicated in the Student’s University record is more than 35 miles from campus shall reside in a University owned or leased housing facility, based on space availability, for the first academic year of enrollment.

A FTIC student is defined as a student under the age of 21 prior to the first day of classes with fewer than 30 semester hours recognized by Florida A&M University and has resided in University housing for less than two semesters.

College credits earned during high school completion through accelerated mechanisms such as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Advanced International Certificate of Education, dual enrollment courses, career academy courses, national industry certification courses, as well as course offerings through virtual instruction, will not be counted towards an exemption from the On-Campus Residency Requirement.

For purposes of this provision, the following are on-campus residence hall facilities designated for freshmen: FAMU Village, Gibbs Hall, Paddyfote Complex, Young Hall, Sampson Hall, and Truth Hall.

Exceptions may be granted for:

  1. Students residing at home if the permanent home address as indicated in student’s University records is 35 miles or less from campus;
  2. Married students;
  3. Students with a dependent child or children;
  4. Students 21 years of age or older prior to the first day of classes;
  5. Students who are military veterans that served on active duty for at least 12 months or students currently serving on active military duty;
  6. Students on a case-by-case basis by the President or President’s designee provided there is good cause shown by the student.

To request an exemption, complete and submit an exemption request available on the Housing website or located in the Housing main office in Gibbs Hall, Lower Level. The above requirement may be waived by the President or president’s designee on a case-by-case basis provided there is good cause shown by the student.

Residence Halls

Three types of student housing are provided at Florida A&M University. The “traditional residence hall” is one style offered, and it is characterized as a community living experience. The traditional hall provides several rooms designed for multiple occupancy and sharing a common hallway, bathroom, and other facilities. This form of housing offers the student a living experience in which he/she is exposed to many new people and ideas. As a part of the benefit derived from living in the traditional type of housing, the student becomes part of the community and learns many of the following lessons that are gained through the experience: acceptance of individual differences, respect for the rights of others, and an opportunity for friendship from different parts of the state, nation and the world. Each room in the traditional hall is air-conditioned and furnished with beds, desks, chairs, dresser, local telephone service and closet. The men’s residence halls include: Gibbs, and Sampson Halls. The residence hall for women include: Paddyfote Complex and Truth Hall.

Suite Style Living

Suite style living community in the FAMU Village consists of a single occupant bedroom and a shared personal bathroom with adjoining suitemate of same sex. Suite occupants enjoy the privacy of a single bedroom adjoined by a bathroom in one unit. The residents of the unit are responsible for the daily cleaning of the shared bathroom facility.

Apartments are located in Palmetto Street Complexes. The Palmetto Street South Apartments and Palmetto Street Phase III Apartments have two styles of apartments: four single bedrooms for four students, and three double bedrooms for six students. These apartments are furnished including cable, air conditioning, wireless internet access, computer lab, and utilities. Each apartment is equipped with a full kitchen and two full sized bathrooms.

On-line Application Process for Students

Students must be 18 years of age to complete the online process. Before starting the online process you must contact the HELP Desk to obtain your iRattler user name and password by calling (850) 412- HELP (4357) or email at helpdesk@famu.edu.

  1. Go to https://irattler.famu.edu/psp/famepprd/EMPLOYEE/EMPL/h/?tab=PAPP_GUESTB)
  2. Log in using your iRattler credentials
  3. To begin the Housing Online Payment Process, click on “iRattler Campus Solutions”
  4. To continue the Housing Online Payment Process, click on the “Self Service” link
  5. Click on the “Campus Finances” link
  6. Click on the “FAMU Advance Housing Agreement”
  7. Select a term (i.e. Fall Semester 20xx)
  8. After selecting a term, the next screen is the online housing agreement authorization. Please read over this page in its entirety and scroll to the bottom of the page.
  9. In the “Housing Advance Payment Acknowledgement” box, click on and read the “FAMU Housing Agreement Terms and Conditions”. (This link must be read in order to proceed)
    1. Make sure an active email address is entered in the confirmation email box below. This email address will allow you to receive a confirmation notice and inform you on the next step to completing the online process.
    2. After clicking on the agreement link, please carefully read agreement to be informed on University Housing’s terms and conditions
  10. Please read the acknowledgment message and click the “OK” button to proceed to the next screen or “Cancel” to cancel the posting process
  11. Click “OK” to submit charge, the next page will list housing advance payment charge under “Outstanding Charges”. Please enter the advance payment amount in the “Payment Amount” box and continue with steps 1 through steps 4 in the electronic payments/purchases process
    1. Please note: Some scholarship recipients with room and board credit, will receive a message informing them that they have completed the first step in applying for housing
    2. If you submitted a payment you should get the following message “Congratulations, you have completed the steps in applying for online housing.”
  12. You are required to wait one hour for processing. After waiting the hour you will receive an email with instruction on how to complete the room selection process. At this point you will be able to self-select your facility and room.

For any questions concerning the online process, please contact the housing office by telephone at (850) 599 - 3651 or (850) 599 - 3652

Housing Procedures

Residence Halls/Apartments

  1. Each student desiring on-campus housing is required to submit a Housing Agreement, accompanied by the $350 advance payment cashier’s check or money order (DO NOT SEND CASH), to the Housing Office. The new student is asked NOT to submit a HOUSING AGREEMENT until he or she has received a certificate of admission from the University director of admissions. Students living in the traditional residence halls are required to purchase one of the meal plans. Students assigned to the apartments have a choice with regards to being on the meal plan.
  2. The applicant can view their housing assignment online at https://rms.famu.edu/. A housing assignment will be made only for a person who has been officially admitted and submitted a Housing Agreement and the $350 advance payment.
  3. The Housing Agreement for traditional facilities is binding for two (2) academic semesters (fall and spring) in which the student is enrolled at the University. The contract terminates at the end of the spring semester but may be renewed, at the student’s option, for the summer semester.
  4. AGREEMENT CANCELLATION - PRIOR TO OPENING DATE OF RESIDENCE HALLS: All students assigned to a residential facility are subject to the cancellation and fee schedule. Students with advanced payment deferments and students on scholarship are responsible for all provisions of the Florida A&M University’s Housing Agreement; including the Agreement Cancellation and Fee Schedule. The Housing Agreement may be cancelled, provided the Housing staff receives a notice of cancellation in writing via certified mail in accordance with the below listed deadlines. Please notify the Housing staff promptly of your housing cancellation!

Fall Cancellation Policies and Procedures

Returning Students

On or before June 1 $ 40 $310
June 2 - July 1 $200 $150
July 2 - August 1 $350 No Refund Due
August 2 thru Opening Day $500 No Refund Due
After the Opening Day The Entire Semester’s Rent No Refund


On or before June 15 $ 40 $310
June 16 - July 1 $200 $150
July 2 - August 1 $350 No Refund Due
August 2 thru Opening Day $500 No Refund Due
After the Opening Day The Entire Semester’s Rent No Refund Due

Spring Cancellation Policies and Procedures


On or before November 1 $ 40 $310
November 2 - December 1 $200 $150
December 2 - December 15 $350 No Refund Due
December 16 thru Opening Day $500 No Refund Due
After the Opening Day The Entire Semester’s Rent No Refund Due

Summer Cancellation Policies and Procedures

On or before April 15 is $40
After April 15 is The Entire Session’s Rent

On or before April 30 is $40
After April 30 is The Entire Session’s Rent


On or before May 31 is $40
After May 31 is The Entire Session’s Rent

If you require a reasonable accommodation pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Amendment Act (ADAA), please contact the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs at (850) 599-3076 at least 10 working days prior to the start of the event.

Student Health Services

FAMU Student Health Services (SHS) is an outpatient primary care center that provides services to currently enrolled FAMU students. Students are assessed a health fee that is included with tuition each semester that allows unlimited office visits and reduced costs for procedures, specialty services, lab tests and pharmaceuticals. SHS is staffed with Florida licensed physicians, advance registered nurse practitioners and other health care professionals to provide high quality, convenient, and affordable services.

Available services include:

  • Treatment of minor illness or injuries;
  • Immunizations;
  • Chronic disease management (diabetes, asthma, sickle cell disease;
  • Gynecological and physical examinations;
  • Laboratory tests;
  • Family planning services;
  • Psychiatric medication management
  • Allergy shots;
  • Pharmacy;
  • HIV testing; and
  • Health education and outreach services

Student Health Services is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and is closed on Saturday, Sunday and University observed holidays unless otherwise posted.

FAMU recommends that all students have health insurance and offers an affordable University sponsored health insurance plan that is available to students taking six (6) or more credits a semester. Students are not required to have insurance to use the clinic. SHS does not accept any insurance other than the University sponsored plan in payment for services. However, students may have charges placed on their financial account for payment prior to the next class registration period. Upon request, SHS will complete and submit insurance forms for reimbursement.

Student Health Fee

A per credit hour student health fee is assessed at the time of registration for each student. The health fee covers the cost of the office visit with clinical staff. The health fee does not pay for medical supplies, procedures, certain physical examinations, lab work, X-rays, or medications.

Immunization Requirements for FAMU Students

All incoming students are required to complete the FAMU Health History and Immunization form. This information must be submitted directly to Student Health Services and accepted before you will be allowed to register for classes. Please pay careful attention to immunization requirements. Students must provide the following:

  1. MMR: Proof of two (2) Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) shots received at least 28 days apart;
    1. Vaccinations must have been received after your first birthday;
    2. Vaccinations must have been received in 1968 or later, or
  2. Proof of rubella, rubeola and mumps immunity by way of lab results.

Hepatitis B and Meningitis:

  1. Proof of immunization for Hepatitis B or sign declination and
  2. Proof of immunization for Meningitis or sign declination.

Recommended Immunizations: Other immunizations recommended by the American College Health Association (ACHA) and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) include: Varicella (chickenpox); Polio; Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis (Td or Tdap); Human papillomavirus (HPV); Influenza; Hepatitis A and Pneumonia.


  1. Students born prior to January 1, 1957 are exempt from MMR requirements;
  2. Religious exemption must be accompanied by a signed statement and completion of the FAMU Religious Exemption Waiver signed by the student/guardian; and
  3. A medical exemption requires specific, written documentation on office letterhead signed by a physician. The student/guardian must also complete the FAMU Permanent Medical Waiver form. Temporary medical deferments will be allowed if the condition is documented on official letterhead and signed by a physician, for pregnancy/possibility of pregnancy, breastfeeding or illness. The student is also responsible for completing the Temporary Medical Waiver form.

Students health history form and immunization documentation may be delivered in person; via mail to FAMU Student Health Services, 116 Foote-Hilyer Administration Center, Tallahassee, FL 32307, Attn: Immunizations; or faxed to 850-599-3067. Immunization forms and documentation may also be emailed to studenthealthcenter@famu.ed Florida A&M University



Florida A&M University is committed to providing students and employees with accurate information concerning the transmission and prevention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS.)

A University committee representing a wide spectrum of interests has been organized. This committee is responsible for administering the policy on HIV/AIDS in specific cases and for coordinating the University’s efforts in educating the FAMU community on HIV/AIDS.

This committee is chaired by the Medical Director of the Student Health Services. All inquiries and referrals should be directed to the Medical Director.

The HIV/AIDS Committee will evaluate each known student with HIV/AIDS on an individual case-by-case basis. There will be no discrimination against such students by the University.

Appropriate measures reflecting official University policy will be taken to ensure legal safeguards, confidentiality and emotional support. Committee recommendations will be consistent with the welfare of both the individual patient and the University community.

Educational materials on HIV/AIDS can be obtained at Student Health Services. In addition, information on video tape is available for viewing in the health services. HIV testing is available at Student Health Services.

The Office of Counseling Services

The Office of Counseling Services is a unit within the Division of Student Affairs. The OCS is accredited by the International Association of Counseling Services (IACS). We provide a professional, confidential atmosphere where students can discuss academic and personal issues. The OCS is staffed by professional counselors who have earned a minimum of a master’s degree in the counseling profession and are licensed. Our motto is “Here for You from Orientation to Graduation.”

The mission of the Office of Counseling Services of Florida A&M University is to increase students’ academic success, self-awareness, and knowledge of potential growth and challenges of collegiate experiences through outreach, counseling, consultation, and crisis intervention. The Office of Counseling Services exemplifies and seeks to foster within those whom they serve the following values: courage, diversity, ethics, excellence, respect, scholarship, and service.

Students seek our services for a variety of concerns. Some of those concerns include academic issues, stress management, relationships, personal development, intimacy issues, and other concerns related to the maturational process. Students also seek our services for assistance with depression, anxiety, and substance abuse issues.

Overview of Services

  • Counseling: Students may participate in individual or couples counseling. Individual counseling is available for a student who appreciates confidential and individualized attention and couples counseling is available to assist students with concerns related to relationships.
  • Academic Support: These services are for students who need assistance with remaining on task, developing an individualized schedule, and resisting the tendency to procrastinate.
  • Support Groups: A variety of groups are available based on student interest and need. Some examples of groups include Life Class, Man Talk, and Substance Abuse Intervention.
  • Workshops and Presentations: Staff members are available to present on requested topics. This service is available to student groups and organizations, faculty and staff members.
  • Self-help Information: Come see our resource materials to assist you with self-help or to obtain educational brochures related to mental health.
  • Screenings: Our staff conducts live screenings throughout the year for depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance abuse. Screenings can also be conducted on-line on our website at www.famu.edu/counseling.
  • Psychiatric Consultation: For students who may come to the University already on medication or who may benefit from it while matriculating, a psychiatrist is available once a week for consultation and follow-up.
  • Graduate Internship: Students who are nearing the completion of a master’s degree in a clinical counseling profession and who have stellar letters of recommendation and a demonstrated commitment to professionalism may apply for an internship. The OCS also oversees the University’s Alcohol and Other Drug Program and the Victim Advocate Program.

The Alcohol and Other Drug Program is primarily responsible for educating the University community about the University’s alcohol and other drug policy and educating students about the negative consequences of drug use and abuse, specifically as it relates to undermining academic progression.

The Victim Advocate Program is a 24-hour crisis response program that provides advocacy and counseling and facilitates other services for individuals who have been victims of a variety of crimes. This program is provided in collaboration with the FAMU Department of Campus Safety & Security.

All OCS services are free and available to currently enrolled students. Students may have up to twelve counseling sessions per semester. Our office is located in Sunshine Manor, and we are available Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. with extended hours on Thursdays from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. by appointment only. To make an appointment, request a workshop, or to access our online services, contact us at www.famu.edu/counseling. You may also contact us by phone at (850) 599-3145.

The Career Center

The Career Center is an integral part of the total education process at the Florida A&M University. It is housed under the Division of University Advancement and reports to the Vice President of Advancement.

The Center assists in the fulfillment of the primary mission of Florida A&M University, namely, to prepare and provide opportunities for students to pursue meaningful careers in a variety of professional and occupational fields and/or pursue graduate studies. The mission of the Career Center is clearly defined: To provide comprehensive and progressive career planning, placement, and follow-up programs and services designed to augment the academic process and to assist students in successfully pursuing and managing meaningful career opportunities upon graduation and throughout the work life cycle. The following components comprise the make-up of the Career Center and have been established to operationalize the mission:

  • Career Planning and Development
  • Career Placement and Employer Relations
  • Experiential Learning (co-op education, internships, summer employment, and part-time employment)
  • Research and Alumni Services

The Center operates under the philosophic premise that career development is a lifelong process. The earlier students receive professional guidance through this process, the better prepared they will be to enter the work force. Consequently, the services and programs offered are developmental in nature and are designed to meet the needs of Florida A&M University undergraduate, graduate students and alumni.

Overview of Current Services

Career Counseling

The Career Center provides individual and group counseling for students to explore career interests and to develop employability skills needed for conducting successful job searches and subsequent career management.

Placement Services

(On-Campus Recruitment Program)

During the fall and spring terms, over 300 organizations visit the campus to recruit students for full-time employment, internships, co-op positions, summer and part-time employment. Information on graduate school admissions and private scholarship sponsors are also available.

Job Posting

Announcements for all types of employment opportunities are received daily. These announcements are sorted and placed on the Career Center Venomtrak system. Persons interested in these opportunities must apply directly to the employer at the address indicated, unless otherwise instructed.

The Career Center Community Connection

This program works with community-based organizations, public schools, prisons and churches to provide information forums on career development issues.

Rattler Insight

Industry partnership program which allows company representatives to facilitate professional development workshops and seminars for students and staff.


Computerized career guidance program which provides thoroughly researched databases of occupations, skills, interests, work-related values, educational programs, and more. The program examines the students’ work-related values, explores options, and interprets relevant data in order to assist students in identifying academic and career choices.

Career Counseling for Athletes

The program is designed to work with the unique career planning and development needs of today’s college athletes.

Dormitory Program for Career Awareness

Partnership program with the dormitory resident assistants designed to increase student awareness of the career planning process and requirements. Students participate in career planning workshops and seminars in their dormitories.

Fall Career Exposition

Approximately 90 employers with over 200 representatives participate in the Fall Career Expo. There are approximately 1,300 students who participate. This event is for students of all majors and classifications.

Spring Career Exposition

Approximately 70 employers with over 150 representatives participate in Spring Career Expo.

Experiential Learning Program

This program is designed to give students the opportunities to have hands-on experiences after graduation in a wide variety of majors. This program allows closer collaboration between The Career Center and the academic units on campus.

College Relations Visits

The Career Center hosted or participated in more than 20 employer site visits to FAMU each year. These visits are to establish new relationships or to renew relationships in order to increase recruiting presence on campus.

Teacher Interview Day

Approximately 30 school districts participated in TRD for fall and spring semesters. Students indicated that they have acquired multiple job offers.


Examples of some workshops are:

  • The Resume & Business Letter That Sell
  • Corporate Etiquette
  • The Art of Interviewing
  • Dress for Success
  • The Plant Visit-A Way In or Out
  • Negotiating Salary

The Career Center staff and representatives from various corporations sponsor these workshops throughout the fall and spring semesters.


Many of the employers who recruit at FAMU will host pre-recruitment presentations to provide students with the opportunity to acquaint themselves with their company and available career opportunities prior to the on-campus interview date. A question-and-answer period and reception usually follow each presentation. Employers may invite students to a dinner instead of the reception.

Technology Highlights

Computerized Student and Employers’ Registration (VenomTrack)

This is a comprehensive system which allows the Center to automate various aspects of the recruiting process including student and employer information, job listing, interviewing schedules, placement and referrals. The system also tracks fulltime, internship, co-op and summer placements.

Interactive Video Conferencing Technologies

The Career Center has employed two different types of video conferencing technologies: desktop and large conference or training. Desktop video conferencing is used to conduct interactive interviews with organizations that do not participate in the on-campus recruitment program. Large conference video is used to conduct professional development training workshops and seminars utilizing expertise from corporate sponsors or other University colleagues from around the country.

World Wide Web Services

The home page service provides students with the ability to register with The Career Center and to access employers’ information via the World Wide Web. It also provides alumni the ability to access job information via the web.

Alumni Database Service

Alumni are eligible to participate in referring their resumes electronically to employers. Please contact the Career Center for more information.

Student Activities

The Student Activities program provides a myriad of activities designed to enhance the educational experience for students. In addition, the program coordinates the efforts of all student organizations as they promote opportunities for growth in group settings that enrich University life.

Programs - The University officially recognizes the activities of several organizations in providing for the social and recreational needs of students, developing their cultural and religious interests and broadening their contacts with the public and fellow students. The University encourages the widest possible participation consistent with scholarship requirements because it is within this area that leadership qualities are developed. The student activity committee is composed of students and faculty. The committee is concerned with the conduct of student organizations and activities with University policies relative to student organizations.

The University Union

The University Union is the campus center of student activities. Its objective is to fulfill the cultural, educational and recreational needs of the students of Florida A&M University. The Union houses several venues. These venues include the following offices/areas:

  • Student Activities
  • Student Government Offices
  • University Post Office
  • Television Room
  • The Rattler’s Edge
  • New Student Orientation Office
  • Faculty/Staff Dining
  • Grand Ballroom
  • Bowling Alley/Billiard Room
  • Rattler’s Den
  • Office of Student Life
  • Embassy Room
  • Anne L. Cooper Room
  • Student Judicial Affairs Office

Student Organizations

Student organizations at Florida A&M University contribute greatly toward the enrichment of the University’s total program of growth and morale.

Each student organization must have the recognition of the University and remain subject to its jurisdiction. Although the University issues regulations to govern student activities, some authority has been delegated to student organizations.


Presidential Ambassadors
Honda Campus All-Star


Association of Black Psychologists Student Circle
Association for Computing Machinery
Association for the Education of Young Children
Association General Contractor of America
Collegiate Music Educators National Conference
Environmental Science Student Organization
FAMU-FSU Engineers without Borders
Graduate Student Health Administration Association
Graduate Student Physical Therapy Association
Graphics Art Club
Health Science/Pre-Physical Therapy Student Association
National Society of Black Engineers
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity
Public Relations Student Society of America
Respiratory Care Club
School of Allied Health Sciences Student Executive Council
Student Health Care Management Association
Student Health Informatics and Information Management Association
Student Respiratory Care Association
Student Occupational Therapy Association

Social Fraternities and Sororities

Panhellenic Council
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
Iota Phi Theta Fraternity
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority


FAMU Concert Choir
FAMU String Orchestra
FAMU Marching “100”
Sigma Alpha Iota Fraternity
University Gospel Choir


National Society of Pershing Rifles


Journey Magazine
School of Architect Newsletter ” Blue Print”

Service Organizations

Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity
Gamma Sigma Sigma Sorority
Gateways Book Club
Delta Sigma Pi International Fraternity
Divine D.I.M.E.S.
Eternal Legendary Queens
Phi Lambda Sigma
Project HOME
Sigma Gamma Lambda National Sorority
Sigma Rhomeo Fraternity
Teaching Our Youth Science


Adventist Ministries to College and University Students
Ambassadors for Christ
Baptist Collegiate Ministry
Catholic Student Association
College and Young Professionals
Every Nation Campus Ministry
FAMU Gospel Choir
House of Judah Christian Ministries
Presbyterian Fellowship Club

Honorary and Scholastic

Alpha Eta Honorary Society
Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity
Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity
American Choral Dir. Assoc.
Epsilon Tau Sigma Honor Society
Golden Key International Honor Society
Honors Student Association
Kappa Epsilon Professional Fraternity for Women in Pharmacy
Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity
Kappa Psi Psi Professional Sorority
Lambda Iota Tau
National Society of Collegiate Scholars
Pi Epsilon Theta Honor Society
Presidential Scholars Association
Rho Chi Honors Society
School of Allied Health Sciences Scholars Society
Trio Scholars Association
White and Gold Honor Society
Golden Key National Honor Society


A Network of Our Own
Anime Club
Big Bend Area Club
Boyz of Poison
California Club
Caribbean Student Association
Chicago Club
Circle K International
Collaborative Minds Industries
DC Metro Club
DIVAS Dance Team
Essence Dance Theatre
FAMU Access Grid Task Force
FAMU Elite Dance Squad
FAMU Strikers
FAMU Venom Dancers
Graduate Student Association
Haitian Culture Club
Hatchett Law Club
House Arrest II
Images Modeling Troupe
Indiana Club
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Jacksonville Student Alliance
Louisiana Club
Mahogany Dance Theatre
March of Dimes Collegiate Council
Miami Club
Michigan Club
Midwest Alliance Club
Mississippi Club
National Council of Negro Women
National Organization for Women
North Eastern Vibe Organization
Operating in Unity and Truth
Proactive Volunteer Organization
Progressive Black Men
Rainbow Coalition Rattler Association of Chemist
Student National Medical
Student National Medical Association-MAPS
Student National Alumni Association
Student Alliance for Cultural Development
Texas Club
Torque Dance Team
Vegetarian Student Alliance
Young and Striving

Department of Campus Safety & Security

The Department of Campus Safety & Security Public Safety (DPS) is a full service law enforcement agency providing safety, security, enforcement and parking services to the University community. Its mission is promoting a safe environment through student and staff interaction with emphasis on integrity, fairness, and professionalism. The mission also embraces the University’s vision of enhancing humankind through the assurance of a quality University life in a stable environment, where security is balanced with freedom of movement and individual rights balanced with community needs as a service entity, police officers safeguard lives and property, preserve the peace, and prevent crime through enforcement of all federal and state laws, city ordinances, as well as University rules and regulations falling under its jurisdiction. Police service technicians patrol the campus to ensure parking compliance by University students, staff and visitors. To wit, citing, towing, and/or immobilizing vehicles illegally parked, improperly decaled, or otherwise posing a safety hazard on campus grounds.

The department offers engraving services on personal items (Operation ID) to assist in identifying items that may be stolen. The Department of Campus Safety & Security also provides auto lockouts and jump starts, we also offer crime prevention seminars are presented to new student and new employee orientation sessions, and, upon request, to campus groups and organizations.

Judicial Affairs

It is the desire of the Office of Judicial Affairs and Resource Services to work collaboratively with the larger Florida A&M University community to create a safe and secure scholarly atmosphere, where academic and personal pursuits are achieved through interpersonal care and respect for the academic mission of Florida A&M University.

The focus of the office is student success and development so we have designed our services to make sure that every student has the opportunity to learn and grow in an environment that encourages intellectual curiosity, compassion, and responsible community membership. Moreover, we have dedicated ourselves to providing every Florida A&M University community member with a fundamentally fair and just process for resolving alleged violations of the standards set forth by the University.

In addition, the Office of Student Judicial Affairs and Resource Services is designed to provide all community members with fair and accurate information and services regarding the Student Code of Conduct.

The Office of Judicial Affairs and Resource Services is responsible for all student disciplinary matters. This office is located in Suite 101, Student Union.

You may contact the Office of Judicial Affairs and Resource Services at (850) 599-3541 or (850) 599-3542, fax (850) 561-2169.

Office of the University Ombudsman

The mission of the Office of the University Ombuds is to enhance the collegial environment at the University. This includes providing confidential, impartial, independent and informal assistance to all members of the University community in addressing academic and non-academic student problems that established processes and procedures have not resolved. In addition, this office assists in preventing problems by recommending policy and procedural modifications necessary to achieve fair treatment.

The Office of the University Ombuds was established by the state legislature (1002.21(6) and 1006.51 Florida Statutes) to specifically accept appeals for access to courses and granting of school credit. It is located on the campus of Florida A&M University at the Foote-Hilyer Administration Center in Room 308. The office telephone number is (850) 599-3183 and facsimile number is (850) 561-2674. The website address is www.famu.edu/ombuds.

The University is committed to providing the best possible environment for all of its students, faculty and staff. We want to ensure that all constituents of the University are served well in all situations.

Campus Recreation Department

The Department of Campus Recreation offers an array of programs and services that foster wellness and positive socialization for the University Community. The department’s mission is to meet the needs of a diverse student population by providing a comprehensive and innovative program of recreational, leisure and fitness activities. The department is comprised of many components: Facility Operations & Space Rentals, Intramural Sports, Sports Clubs, Fitness & Group Exercise, and Outdoor Adventures.

The department also encourages the development of leadership and life skills among its clientele through its student driven recreation, wellness and fitness programs. In addition, the department collaborates with the Student Government Association to ensure that the department is meeting the needs and expectations of the student body in general.

The Department of Campus Recreation is housed in the Hansel E. Tookes Student Recreation Center, an $11.5 million state-of-the-art facility on the corner of Wahnish Way and Osceola Street. The 60,000 sq. ft. facility includes: a 3,500 sq. ft. group exercise/aerobics studio; an 800 sq. ft. spinning room; a 16,000 sq. ft. weight training/cardio workout areas; a wellness suite; 2 basketball courts and 2 racquetball courts. In addition, there is a 30-acre outdoor facility with 2 flag football fields, 2 softball fields, 1 soccer field, 2 sand volleyball courts and 3 basketball courts. For further information, please call 599-3785 (administration) or 412-7281 (lobby).

New Beginnings Educational Research Center for Child Development (NB-ERCCD)

The New Beginnings Educational Research Center for Child Development (NB-ERCCD), within the Division of Student Affairs, provides quality childcare services for Florida A&M University’s students, faculty, staff and community. The center also serves as an on-site facility for pre-internships, training, and research.

NB-ERCCD provides childcare services for children between the ages of 2.6 and 5; and after school care for children between the ages of 5 and 12. It offers an array of developmentally appropriate and culturally relevant curricula geared to the individual needs of children.

Normal operating hours are from 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Evening care is available upon request. NB-ERCCD, an accredited center, is located at building 459 FAMU Way. You may contact us at (850) 599-3267.