Mar 02, 2025  
2023-2024 General Catalog 
2023-2024 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Education

Florida A&M University’s (FAMU) College of Education (COE) has proven its commitment to producing quality teachers for the nation’s children by achieving accreditation under the performance-oriented standards of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), now known as the Council for Accreditation for Educator Preparation (CAEP). FAMU is one of only four universities in the state of Florida whose College/School of Education has received continuous accreditation since 1954.

The primary mission of the college is the production of transformative professionals to serve in educational institutions who are informed, proactive, competent, and reflective practitioners. The College of Education administers the pre-service and in-service professional education and graduate programs encompassed within four (4) undergraduate and graduate degree granting departments: Elementary Education; Secondary Education, Technology Education and Foundations; Health, Physical Education and Recreation; and Educational Leadership and Counseling. The College of Education provides relevant curriculum for elementary, secondary, and graduate education programs supporting undergraduate and graduate degrees.

The COE purposes to: (1) assume leadership for the selection, guidance and professional preparation of teacher educators and practitioners who will serve in elementary, secondary and post-secondary schools, and other related agencies of Florida and the nation; and (2) provide a substantial foundation for advanced study as students choose to extend their educational preparation and pursuits. These purposes will be met through a foundation of general education, a planned sequence in professional education and rigorous graduate programs providing excellent preparation for professional pursuits, graduate study and post-graduate work. The operation of the College of Education is founded on four thematic processes:

Commitment to social justice
Collaboration and strategic partnerships
Clinical practice
Integration of digital media

The COE employs these processes to prepare its teacher and leadership candidates to become transformative teachers and leaders. The COE seeks to develop candidates’ knowledge, skills, and dispositions in alignment with the pillars of effective practice for the 21st century educator. These pillars are: professional expertise (pedagogy and content knowledge); critical inquiry; cultural competence; and reflective practice. Program faculty draw upon a legacy of excellence and a commitment to teaching, research and service in order to provide the highest quality of instruction and learning experiences for teacher and leadership candidates.

The College of Education provides the relevant curriculum for elementary, secondary, and graduate education programs supporting undergraduate degrees (B.A./B.S.) and graduate degrees (M. Ed. Curriculum and Instruction; M.Ed./M.S. Elementary Education; and M.S./ M.Ed./ Ph.D Educational Leadership, M.S./M.Ed. Counselor Education and M.Ed. Sport Management).


Dean: Traki L. Taylor, Ph.D.

Director, Assessment and Accountability: Samuel Rowley, Ph.D.



  • Florida statutes require individuals applying for a Florida teaching certificate to be finger printed and to reveal all criminal history (Section 943.0585, F.S.) records, including sealed or expunged records.

Application Procedures For Student Teaching

The procedures for making application to participate in the student teaching program are as follows:

  • Students should complete a Pre-Student Teaching Application at least one semester prior to the semester in which he/she plans to participate in the student teaching program, to the Office of Student Teaching for initial screening to determine his/her status.
  • The application will be evaluated by the Office of Student Teaching staff to determine if the applicant meets the unit’s requirements to participate in the student teaching program.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to pick up the approved Pre-Student Teaching Application and deliver it to the Office of Student Teaching, which is responsible for the advising of students in receiving their Student Teaching Application.
  • Students receiving Student Teaching Instruction Sheet are expected to complete and submit the application at predetermined deadlines. These deadlines are posted on appropriately situated bulletin boards and online.
  • Completed Student Teaching Applications are returned to the Office of Student Teaching who then forwards them to the appropriate departments for review and approval or disapproval.
  • All applications are returned to the Office of Student Teaching by the departments for appropriate action.
  • Students who do not qualify to participate in the student teaching program are notified of the deficiencies and are advised of how they can overcome the deficiencies.

Application Deadline

Semester Desired for Student Teaching Deadline

Graduation Requirements

Students seeking program completion from FAMU’s state approved teacher education programs must successfully complete the following requirements:

  • Admission to the teacher education program;
  • Passing all subtests of the Florida Teacher Certification Examination (semester before student teaching);
  • Satisfactory completion of all course work with the required cumulative GPA of 2.50;
  • An electronic portfolio that documents mastery of the Florida Educators Accomplished Practices;
  • External evaluation of satisfactory teaching ability; and
  • Internal evaluation of satisfactory teaching ability.

Center For Academic Success


In support of the College of Education, the mission of the Center for Academic Success is to instill in students the values of academic excellence, accountability, integrity, and professionalism as they prepare for careers as transformative educators. As the core of the College of Education, the Center provides services to pre-education majors, assisting them in gaining admission into the Professional Teacher Education Program. Additionally, the Center for Academic Success, in collaboration with the Candidate Empowerment Center, a College of Education resource lab, encourages and assists students in their preparation for the Florida Teacher Certification Examinations.

The Center for Academic Success is the College of Education’s essential resource facility. The Center’s major responsibility is to assist undergraduate teacher education majors to gain entry into the teaching profession. This responsibility is accomplished via academic advisement and professional development.

Academic Advisement

The Center recognizes that advisement is an indispensable process for guiding students through their chosen degree programs. To facilitate this process, each student is assigned an advisor. The purpose of the academic advisement program is fivefold:

  • To assist pre-teacher education students in the selection of and registration for current courses for their degree program;
  • To advise students of and assist students in meeting the academic criteria for admission into the professional teacher education programs;
  • To monitor students’ matriculation in an effort to avoid academic failures;
  • To refer students to programs that provide additional support services if needed; and
  • To encourage academic success and professional career development.
Requirements For Admission To Teacher Education

Students seeking admission to any FAMU College of Education undergraduate teacher education program must meet the following criteria:

  • A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher for the general education component of undergraduate studies;
  • A grade of “C” or higher in all required general education courses;
  • Documentation of passing the four subtests of the General Knowledge Test of the Florida Teacher Certification Exam (FTCE);
  • All Gordon Rule requirements;
  • Successful completion of a preadmission interview; and
  • Passage of a criminal background investigation.

The College of Education expects students, with the assistance of faculty advisors, to assume responsibility for their academic success as they matriculate through the college and university. To accomplish this goal, students are responsible for knowing the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures of the university and college as they pertain to their degree programs.

Other Services

The Center provides a variety of professional services designed to produce teaches who are professionally astute, exemplary, confident, analytical, reflective, proactive, and ethical. Some services the Center provides include:

  • Dissemination of information, concerning scholarships
  • Coordination of the professional development forums; and
  • Participation in the recruitment activities for the college and university.

Candidate Empowerment Center


In support of the College of Education’s mission, the Candidate Empowerment Center is to provide innovative and engaging approaches to assist pre-service teachers in their acquisition of knowledge as well as meeting the needs of state and national certification. (Title III Funded Program).

The Candidate Empowerment Center (CEC) offers teacher education candidates academic support and provides assistance in the preparation for the General Knowledge (GK) Examination, Professional Education Examination (PED), and Subject Area Examination (SAE) of the Florida Teacher Certification Examination (FTCE) via practice exams, one-on-one tutoring, workshops, and print resources which help improve course and FTCE pass rates. The Center staff takes the time to get to know our candidates’ educational needs to better serve them. The Center offers online modules whose test design help target students’ study needs. Tutors use the results of these tests to assist in their preparation. Practice runs of the exam are also available so that students have a real-life example of how their test-day will be.

The Center is equipped with a computer lab, iPad center, and a resource library. College of Education students are able and encouraged to check-out any of the print resources, utilize our technology or receive online access to any of our tutoring software services to assist them in their test preparation. Staff also offers tutoring services for reading, math, writing and English courses.

Resources Available:
  • Computer lab is equipped with wireless internet;
  • iPads for check-out (five-hour period);
  • Microsoft Office and tutorial software such as ThinkTime, FTCE GK, professional and subject area software and MyFoundationsLab;
  • General knowledge sample tests, flashcards and study guides;
  • Professional education sample tests, flashcards and study guides;
  • Subject area examination sample tests, flashcards and study guides;
  • Monthly workshops-study tips, subject area examination preparation, and small group workshops;
  • Tutoring Services in math, reading, English and writing; and
  • All print resources are available for check-out.

Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 8am-5pm
Location: Gore A211, (850)-412-5613 (850)-412-5613,
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