Oct 16, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

FAMU-FSU College of Engineering

Dean: J. Murray Gibson
Associate Deans: Farrukh Alvi, Michelle Rambo-Roddenberry, Mark Weatherspoon
Assistant Dean: Janine Welch

The accelerating pace of technological developments has created an ever-increasing demand for highly qualified, professional engineers to maintain the high-tech momentum already achieved and to extend and direct its course. Expanding population and corresponding demands for new products, structures, designs, and improved services have posed new challenges to present and future engineers. Accordingly, the College of Engineering, through its curricula, strives to educate and train engineers to use scientific knowledge and problem-solving skills to determine the best solutions to the problems of today and the future.

It is expected that students who conscientiously apply themselves and successfully complete one of the broad engineering programs will not only be technically trained, but also humanistically and socially educated, and thereby be well prepared to make a significant contribution to the world in which they work.

An engineering student can pursue any one of several career plans, according to personal ambitions, interest, and abilities. The student may pursue the Bachelor of Science degree or an advanced research-oriented or professional graduate program leading to Master of Engineering, Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy degrees.

An engineer usually works as a member of a team to solve a problem or design products or processes. The engineer’s responsibility may include some of the following: (1) the conception of an idea, including a careful delineation of the problem; (2) the design of an item or process, including operational and production requirements; (3) the selection of materials; (4) the determination of markets; (5) the assessment of sociological effects and determination of methods for controlling these effects; (6) the design or selection of machines for production; and (7) the control of costs. Currently, over two-thirds of all technical positions and a large percentage of managerial positions in industry are occupied by engineers.

History and Joint College

The FAMU-FSU College of Engineering was authorized by the 1982 legislature as a joint program between Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University and Florida State University. The joint nature of the college allows a student to register at either Florida A&M University or Florida State University and receive a degree in any of the college’s degree programs. A student entering the college applies for admission at one of the two universities and must satisfy the admission and general degree requirements of the university, college, and department. The degree is granted through the College of Engineering by the university where the student is enrolled. All College of Engineering classrooms and administrative and faculty offices are housed in a modern engineering complex located at 2525 Pottsdamer Street in Innovation Park.


The mission of the College of Engineering is as follows: to provide an innovative academic program of excellence at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, judged by the highest standards in the field and recognized by national peers; to attract, enroll and graduate a greater number of under-represented minorities and women in professional engineering, engineering teaching, and research; and to attain national and international recognition of the college through the educational and research achievements and the professional service of its faculty and students.

Programs and Degrees

The College offers professional programs of study leading to the Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy in biomedical, chemical, civil, electrical, industrial, and mechanical engineering; the bachelor of science in computer engineering;  the Master of Science in systems engineering; and the Master of Engineering in civil engineering.  All undergraduate degree programs (except biomedical engineering) are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org, the recognized accreditor for college and university programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering, and technology. Bachelor of Science in biomedical engineering is a new degree program introduced Spring 2019 and will go through the accreditation process after its first graduating class.  Some degree programs offer multiple majors including environmental engineering and materials engineering.  More complete information can be found at the college website (at http://www.eng.famu.fsu.edu/) and in the department sections of this Catalog.  Departments include the following: Chemical and Biomedical Engineering; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering; and Mechanical Engineering.


The college occupies over 200,000 sq. ft. of classroom, office, and laboratory space in a building complex especially designed for engineering education. It is located less than three miles from each main campus, in an area adjacent to Innovation Park, which also houses the following research facilities: the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL); the Aero-propulsion, Mechatronics and Energy Center (AME); the Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS); the High Performance Materials Institute (HPMI); and other university, public, and private organizations engaged in research, development, and entrepreneurship. The college also maintains other research centers, including: the Applied Superconductivity Center (ASC); Center for Accessibility and Safety for an Aging Population (ASAP); Center for Intelligent Systems, Control, and Robotics (CISCOR); Center for Resilient Infrastructure and Disaster Response (RIDER); Center for Transportation and Public Safety; Energy and Sustainability Center (ESC), Florida Center for Advanced Aero-Propulsion (FCAAP).

Each department of the college operates specialized laboratories for teaching and research that are listed in the department sections of this General catalog. In addition, the college operates computing facilities, a library and reading room, as well as machine and electronic shops for the common use by all programs.


The mission of the College of Engineering Library is to support and enhance the learning, teaching, research, and service activities of the FAMU-FSU engineering communities by providing organized access to quality information in all formats, promoting information literacy, preserving information, and engaging in collaborative partnerships to disseminate ideas for advancing intellectual discovery. The main book and journal collections for engineering are housed in the Coleman Library at Florida A&M University and in the  Dirac Science Library at Florida State University. The College of Engineering Library is a satellite for both university libraries and houses a small collection along with extensive access to electronic collections. Materials not available at the library may be requested through Interlibrary Loan or U-Borrow.

The library is staffed by a full-time librarian and several assistants who offer research assistance in person, over the telephone, and via e-mail or text. Instruction in library and information literacy is available to classes and groups upon request.

Library services also include Flip video cameras, laptops, headphones, and other technology that are available for check out upon request. Modern group study tables, lounging stations, and tutoring areas are in the engineering library for student use.

Computing Facilities

Students have access to various computing resources at the College of Engineering. The college has over 2,000 computing devices connected to its local network, managed by College Computing Services (CCS). Computers connect to the college’s network via high-speed wired and wireless LAN services. Over 200 high-end Intel-compatible workstations are provided for general student use. These computers are housed in four labs: one of the computer labs is open 24 hours a day when classes are in session, while the other three are used primarily as classrooms. The college also provides workstations in public areas that are available to students 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Additionally, most of the same applications are available virtually through the myFSUVLab system. Behind the scenes, a number of servers and a Storage Area Network provide services to the college user community. CCS continues to evaluate and upgrade computer capabilities as computational needs grow. Additionally, both universities provide on-campus facilities that are available to all students. To support the instructional and research missions of the college, a variety of software packages is provided, including major general-purpose packages, as well as special applications oriented toward particular disciplines. Research labs at the college contain dozens of computational systems to provide enhanced research capabilities, including complex number crunching for simulations. College researchers also take advantage of shared computational clusters located at the college and at each university. The college’s computing infrastructure uses high-end core router/switches interconnected to edge switching via gigabit fiber. The college internet connection is a gigabit link connecting through the Florida State University backbone (Florida State University acts as the network manager and internet services provider for the college) allowing for fast access to the Internet2 and the LambdaRail network. Florida A&M University’s computing facilities are also connected to the Tallahassee MAN, thus providing a link to the college for its students. The college has state-of-the-art instructional classrooms. The multimedia equipment in every classroom generally includes LCD projector, document camera, BluRay player, and sound system. The ceiling-mounted LCD projector is used for large-scale projection and is linked to the PC at the instructor’s console. Multiple rooms are used for distance learning; these rooms have additional equipment to support synchronous and asynchronous instructional delivery. Distance delivery of classes to/from the FSU Panama City campus occurs regularly, and distance-learning collaborations with other universities are frequent. Live and recorded programs, classes, and events are streamed via the Internet to authorized viewers. Multi-point IP videoconferencing is also available.

Supporting Facilities

Other nearby resources include the following: FSU Information Technology Services; the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (the ‘Mag Lab’); the Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS); the High-Performance Materials Institute (HPMI); and the Aero-propulsion, Mechatronics and Energy Center (AME). Information on additional research centers affiliated with the College of Engineering is available at: https://eng.famu.fsu.edu/research. The college also operates the Tallahassee Challenger Learning Center, a K-12 STEM outreach facility serving the southeastern U.S. Located in downtown Tallahassee, the center houses a 3-D IMAX theatre, planetarium, and a Challenger Space Mission simulator with Control Center. Other supporting facilities are Northwest Regional Data Center (NWRDC), Florida Department of Transportation research facilities, WFSU Public Broadcasting television and radio stations, as well as FAMU Information Services.


Thanks to donations from industry partners, educational programs, and private donors, the College of Engineering offers a limited number of scholarships to qualified engineering students. Students can obtain scholarship information from the Office of the Associate Dean for Student Services and Undergraduate Affairs or by visiting the college website at https://www.eng.famu.fsu.edu/scholarships.

Career Services

The college houses the Engineering Career Services Office to provide students with career-related services. The office assists students in career and employment advising, including resumé, cover letter, and personal statement writing, internship co-op opportunity, and permanent job searches nationwide. Career Center staff also aid in preparing engineering students for interviews and presentations at career expositions, such as the STEM Career & Internship Fair in the Fall and Spring semesters.

Requirements for Admission and Retention in an Engineering Major

Engineering is a demanding discipline, and students majoring in engineering must follow a required sequence of courses and achieve a high level of proficiency. All engineering students are subject to a uniform set of academic requirements agreed to by both FAMU and FSU, in addition to any other academic requirements stated in the respective university catalog and bulletin. These requirements, which are reviewed and revised as needed by the College of Engineering, have been established to ensure that program graduates receive a quality education and make progress toward satisfying engineering major degree requirements.

Pre-Engineering Requirements

All first-year engineering students (first year in college or first-year transfer students) are initially coded as pre-engineering students until they satisfy the following pre-engineering requirements:

An overall GPA of 2.0 or better

A grade of “C-” or better, from any institution attended, in EGN 1004L First-Year Engineering Laboratory, Calculus I, Calculus II, and General Physics I. Intended chemical or biomedical engineering majors shall replace General Physics I with General Chemistry I for the purpose of declaring the major. Only a single repeated attempt in only one of the four courses listed above is allowed.

Students who meet the following conditions may be eligible to receive an exemption from the First-Year Engineering Laboratory (FYEL) course: (1) students who are seeking a second bachelor’s degree, (2) students who have transfer credit for a similar course taken at a higher education institution, (3) student veterans who have received an honorable discharge from the U.S. military, or (4) students who transfer into the college having already received credit for all other pre-engineering courses listed above. Please note that First Time in College (FTIC) students cannot use (4) to be exempt from First-Year Lab. Students who are eligible for an FYEL exemption must declare their intended engineering major during their first semester at the college or they lose their eligibility for the exemption. Students should contact the Office of the Associate Dean for Student Services and Undergraduate Affairs if they feel they qualify for the exemption. Any student who transfers out of pre-engineering before completing the FYEL course and then desires to transfer back to engineering must complete the course or its equivalent.

Any student who needs two repeated attempts to complete the four courses may be considered for continuation in engineering if additional grade and course requirements are satisfied. Contact the Student Services office at the College of Engineering for details. Any student who needs three or more repeated attempts to complete the four courses listed above does not satisfy this requirement and will not be allowed to continue in the engineering program. There are NO exceptions to this requirement. Grades of “W” are not considered as repeated attempts.

Once a pre-engineering student satisfies all pre-engineering requirements, he/she may visit the Student Services office to initiate the transfer process to his/her intended engineering major prior to the beginning of the following semester.

Course Grade Requirement and Practice

It is the policy of the college not to assign “plus and minus (+/-)” grades for undergraduate engineering courses.

The college requires that all engineering students earn a grade of “C” or better in all engineering courses that apply toward the degree. A  undergraduate course grade of “D” may be waived by the department chair or designee.

A student who is failing a course cannot receive a grade of Incomplete (I). Students who receive a grade of Incomplete should complete all course requirements during the next term of the student’s enrollment.

Repeated Course Attempts Policy

A student who has an excessive number of repeated engineering course attempts may be placed on probation with their major and may have a hold placed on their record. The student may continue with his/her original engineering major only upon the approval of his/her academic department.

Engineering Course Prerequisites and Co-requisite Policy

It is the policy of the College of Engineering that a student must achieve a satisfactory grade (“C-” or better) in all prerequisites to an engineering course prior to enrolling in it. Concurrent registration in an engineering course and its prerequisite is not permitted unless special permission has been received from the student’s academic department. All co-requisites of an engineering course must be taken concurrently or prior to enrolling in the engineering course. Students are responsible for knowing the prerequisites for each engineering course in which they are enrolled. They may request this information from the course instructor or departmental academic advisor. A student, therefore, may not use “lack of proper prerequisites” as a justification for a grade appeal or retroactive course withdrawal. Engineering academic departments reserve the right to administratively cancel the course enrollment of any student who does not meet course prerequisites at any time during the semester, with no refund of tuition and fees.

College of Engineering Course Drop/Withdrawal Policy

The Course Drop/Withdrawal Policy at the College of Engineering is different from the policy at either university. Students who seek to withdraw from the entire semester or drop a course should do so by the drop deadline established by the College of Engineering as outlined below:

Current Semester Course Drop/Withdrawal

Undergraduate engineering students may withdraw from or “drop” any course in the current semester for any reason up to and including the end of the seventh week of classes. Engineering late drop period goes into effect after the seventh week and up to the late drop deadline of each semester. There may be financial aid and other implications for dropping a course, so students should always contact their academic advisor first. All pre-engineering students are limited to a total of two “late drops” only. Students who reach their “two late drops” limit will not be permitted another late drop until they enter their intended engineering major. Unused late drops may not be “banked”. Students who are coded in a degree granting engineering major are permitted three “late drops” while coded as such. Students wishing to withdraw from the university by dropping all of their courses may do so up to the late drop deadline. Engineering students will not be permitted to drop or withdraw after the late drop deadline except in documented cases in which the justification for the drop/withdrawal is due to extenuating circumstances which are beyond the student’s immediate control. The drop/withdrawal deadlines are posted on the College of Engineering website (https://www.eng.famu.fsu.edu/) each semester. Students will be responsible for the grade they receive in all enrolled courses in the semester after the course drop/withdrawal deadline.


Retroactive Course Drop/Withdrawal

A student may apply for a retroactive withdrawal from a course in which he or she received a grade of “D” or “F” for extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control. Extenuating circumstances must fall into one of these four categories: (1) medical issues, (2) death of an immediate family member, (3) military service, or (4) other. Each application is reviewed by a committee of engineering faculty to determine the merit of the request. Applications must be submitted before the deadline set each semester. This deadline will be emailed to students via their university email accounts. Additionally, applications received more than one year after the original course attempt will not be accepted. Applications and more information can be found online at https://www.eng.famu.fsu.edu/student-resources.

Transfer Students

Students who plan to enroll in another institution for the first two years and then transfer into the College of Engineering should use great care in selecting freshman and sophomore course work. To be admitted to an engineering major, transfer students must have satisfied the same set of pre-engineering requirements as students who take all their course work at FAMU. Transfer students who will earn an AA or have 60 or more hours of transfer credit prior to enrollment must have already completed at least Calculus I. Students are strongly advised to consult with the college as early as possible concerning their first two years of study. Students who transfer out of the engineering program and then desire to transfer back may be subject to additional academic requirements before their request to transfer is considered. Please consult with the Office of the Associate Dean for Student Services and Undergraduate Affairs for more information.

Bachelor of Science Degree Requirements

A student who has taken a college preparatory curriculum in high school including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, physics, and chemistry can complete the requirements for the bachelor of science (BS) degree in four years and one summer with an average load of sixteen (16) hours per semester. A student with superior high school training may take advantage of opportunities for advanced placement through the university’s programs for acceleration. In order to satisfy the State of Florida Division of Colleges and Universities’ requirement of summer attendance, it is recommended that students enroll in the summer session at the end of the first year. Students who are not prepared to begin with calculus I (MAC 2311) may need to attend additional summer sessions.

The engineering curriculum is made up of four components: general education, first-year engineering laboratory, required courses in the engineering major area, and technical electives.

General Education Component

Engineering students must take a total of twenty-one semester hours in the areas of English, history, humanities, and social sciences.

State of Florida Common Program Prerequisites

The State of Florida has identified common program prerequisites for university degree programs.  Students who begin their studies at a community college or another state university should complete these prerequisites before being admitted into the program.

The following lists the majority of the common program prerequisites or their substitutions for engineering programs.

  1. MAC X311 or MAC X281
  2. MAC X312 or MAC X282
  3. MAC X313 or MAC X283
  4. MAP X302 or MAC X305
  5. CHM X045/X045L or CHMX045C or CHS X440/X440L
  6. CHMX046/X046L or CHMX046C*
  7. PHY X048/X048L or PHYX048C or PHYX043/X048L
  8. PHY X049/X049L or PHYX049C or PHYX044/X049L

*Chemical and Biomedical Engineering majors

Full lists of the Common Program Prerequisites can be found at https://dlss.flvc.org/admin-tools/common-prerequisites-manuals.

Engineering Major Area

Degree requirements for engineering major areas consist of additional mathematics and basic science courses, engineering science courses, and engineering design courses. Current requirements for engineering major areas are included in the advising materials in the academic departments, which include: Chemical and Biomedical Engineering; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering; and Mechanical Engineering. More complete information can be found at the college website, https://www.eng.famu.fsu.edu/, and in the department sections of this Catalog.


All departments at the college offer bachelor’s/master’s pathways that provide academically talented students an opportunity to complete both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in engineering in a shorter time span than completing the degrees separately. Students should discuss this option with their department advisor during their junior year to ensure that appropriate courses are taken during their senior year.


There are more than 25 student organizations at the college, representing many engineering disciplines, areas of interest, minority groups, and honor societies. They give students extra access to industry employers and create opportunities for social activities, study groups and travel to conferences and competitions. For a current list of student organizations at the college, visit www.eng.famu.fsu.edu/student-organizations.

Graduate Admission Requirements

A candidate must fulfill the following minimum requirements for admission into the graduate program:

  1. A Bachelor degree in engineering or a closely allied field from an accredited institution of higher learning;
  2. Official GRE scores or departmentally approved GRE waiver;
  3. A grade point average of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale on all works while registered as an upper-division student;
  4. A minimum of 80 on the TOEFL iBT®  examination (for international students only);
  5. Any admission requirements of the department.

For additional information, refer to the degree requirements under each department.

Graduate Financial Assistance Opportunities

The FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Ph.D. programs offer competitive funding packages for newly admitted students. These may include research assistantships and/or teaching assistantships, tuition waivers, student health care coverage and/or monthly living stipends. By applying to PhD programs by departmental application deadlines for engineering you will automatically be under consideration for student funding. These can be awarded on a departmental or individual faculty basis. Funding offers for new Ph.D. students are eligible for renewal each academic year for up to four years contingent upon successful academic and research progress (maintaining a 3.00 graduate GPA, meeting departmental milestones toward the completion of your degree, meeting research milestones as established with your adviser, etc.) and availability of funds. For more details, contact individual engineering departments or particular faculty of interest. While funding through assistantships is typically reserved for PhD students, some funding may be available for competitive MS thesis students. Fellowships are available for exceptionally qualified Ph.D. students. 

FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Graduate Programs

Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering


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