Feb 16, 2025  
2015-2016 General Catalog 
2015-2016 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

School of Allied Health Sciences

About the School of Allied Health Sciences

The School of Allied Health Sciences (SOAHS) is one of three health professional schools at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU). The school was established in recognition of the need to provide access to quality education in a group of rapidly growing health professions. The school is divided into five divisions: Cardiopulmonary Science, Health Care Management, Health Informatics and Information Management, Occupational Therapy (which offers a Health Science-Pre-Occupational Therapy concentration) and Physical Therapy (which offers a Health Science-Pre-Physical Therapy concentration).

Since its start in 1982, SOAHS has experienced continuous involvement in education, practice and research that has contributed to the strong reputation of each academic division within the school. Each division is accredited by its respective accrediting body. Overall, FAMU ranks as the number one producer of African-American allied health professionals in the State of Florida. SOAHS has been successful in attracting substantial extramural funding, and it has received over $4 million from the Department of Health and Human Services to support programs designed to increase the number of minorities and other underrepresented persons in the allied health professions. After completing their degree requirements, highly trained professionals assume leadership roles in their discipline throughout the state and nation.

SOAHS Mission

The mission of the School of Allied Health Sciences is to provide an enlightened and enriched academic, intellectual, moral, cultural, ethical, technological, and student-centered environment for the purpose of educating individuals to become competent allied health professionals who are capable of: Complex critical thinking; Comprehensive communication skills; Interdisciplinary collaboration; Analysis and involvement in research processes; Improving the health status of under-represented and underserved populations; Lifelong learning.

SOAHS Vision Statement

The School of Allied Health Sciences as an exemplary health professions entity within Florida A&M University will provide the highest quality academic experiences at graduate and undergraduate levels, through excellence in student advising, teaching, research and service, in existing and emerging health care arenas, for the benefit of the citizens of Florida, the nation and the world.

SOAHS Core Values

The SOAHS core values are: scholarship; ethics; excellence; openness; collaboration; diversity; service; fairness; integrity; respect; collegiality; freedom; fiscal responsibility; accountability; courage; and honesty.

Degree Listing

  • Cardiopulmonary Science: BS
  • Health Care Management: BS
  • Health Administration: MHA
  • Health Informatics and Information Management: BS
  • Health Sciences (Concentrations: Pre-Occupational Therapy and Pre-Physical Therapy): BS
  • Occupational Therapy: MSOT
  • Physical Therapy: DPT

Program Requirements

Admissions Qualifications

The School of Allied Health Sciences is comprised of five professional programs and two generalist programs.

Admission to the professional programs in the School of Allied Health Sciences is a two-step process. Undergraduate applicants must first be accepted by the university and then must apply for admission to the professional division of his or her choice. Admission to the university does not guarantee acceptance into any of the professional divisions. Graduate level applicants must submit an application to the professional division as well as to the School of Graduate Studies and Research. The requirements and procedures necessary for admission to the university are outlined under the heading Special Admissions, Requirements of Colleges and Schools.

A student seeking admission to a professional division in the School of Allied Health Sciences must have completed all admission requirements by the designated deadlines, as prescribed by each division.

Admission to a professional division in the School of Allied Health Sciences is based on an applicant’s selection by the appropriate admissions committee. Selection will be based on the evaluation of a number of factors such as, the student’s overall grade point average, grade point average in required science courses, work experiences, grade trends, leadership activities, demand for man-power, and mission of the university. A personal interview may be required. Consult each individual program for specific admission criteria.

Completion of pre-professional courses does not guarantee admission to the professional divisions.

The professional curriculum is composed of all courses and clinical experiences required to satisfy specific program requirements for graduation. Undergraduate students must earn a minimum grade of “C” in all required courses. *Graduate students must maintain a “B” average (3.0 GPA) ** Curriculum development is an ongoing process designed to keep pace with an ever-changing society and profession. Upon completion of curricula in the programs of cardiopulmonary science, health administration, health care management, health informatics and information management, health sciences, occupational therapy or physical therapy, a student will receive the designated undergraduate or graduate degree in the respective discipline.

*Please consult the section on the “School of Graduate Studies and Research” and the Graduate Student Handbook for progression requirements. ** The school may implement curricular changes which are required not only of incoming students, but also for currently enrolled students.


  1. Dress Code- The student is required to adhere to a dress code, as determined by each of the divisions of the school. Faculty members will enforce this code in the classroom, laboratory, and during clinical experiences, as an integral part of professional socialization of health professionals. The student has a responsibility to adhere to the dress code of other colleges and schools where appropriate.
  2. Excused Absence- The student is required to obtain, complete and submit an excused absence request form when a class absence has occurred. The request form must be completed and submitted along with appropriate supporting documentation within five days of the student return to class or campus. The approved excused absence is effective only until the expiration date.
  3. Emergency Medical/Illness Policy- When an individual experiences any sudden, unexpected and unexplainable change in the physical or emotional condition of a student or faculty, which directs attention away from academic matters such as collapsing, vomiting, persistent moaning and noisy distractions during class, immediately make the student or faculty member comfortable, call 911, call campus police, and dean’s office using a cell phone or office phone if available. The campus emergency numbers will be in each classroom. Procedures are available in the office of the dean.
  4. Disruption of the Academic Process Policy- The disruption of the academic process is the act and/or words of a student in a classroom or teaching environment which are deemed unreasonable in the estimation of a faculty member that directs attention away from academic matters such as noisy distractions; persistent, disrespectful or abusive interruptions of lecture, examinations or discussions; or presents a danger to the health and safety of the faculty member or other students. Procedures are available in the office of the dean.
  5. Academic Honesty Policy- This policy applies to any student who gives or takes information or material and wrongfully uses it to aid himself/herself or another student in academic endeavors. It shall further include receiving unauthorized written or oral information from a fellow student. Stealing, buying, selling or referring to unauthorized written, oral or electronic information is also included. Procedures are available in the office of the dean.
  6. Sequence of Courses- The student is expected to enroll in and complete courses in sequence, adhering at each point to all prerequisites. It is essential that the student keeps up with the progression of his or her course of study in order to stay in proper sequence to complete requirements on schedule. No student is allowed to take courses out of sequence or without completing prerequisites; nor is the student permitted to enroll in an advanced level of sequential courses without having completed the lower level course(s). Any exceptions to the rules above must be approved by the division director and the dean.
  7. Appeal and Academic Grievances- Any decision affecting the status or academic standing of applicants for admission or students enrolled in any School of Allied Health Sciences programs may be appealed. Procedures of appeals and grievances are available in the office of the dean.
  8. Clinical Experiences- The five professional divisions in the School of Allied Health Sciences have as part of their academic requirements a clinical experience in their particular discipline. The experiences vary in length and frequently occur away from the university site in Tallahassee. Prior to the start of clinical assignments, students must submit to, pay for, and pass background (criminal) checks, drug screening and fingerprinting. By title and function, a faculty member in each division coordinates clinical experiences. Each student is expected to assume responsibility for cost associated with clinical experiences.
  9. Immunization- To qualify for admission to School of Allied Health Sciences programs, all students must submit documentation proving immunization against rubeola and rubella. Please call the Student Health Center (Clinic) at (850) 599-3777. No student will be allowed to register until this documentation has been submitted. All students in the cardiopulmonary science, occupational therapy, and physical therapy programs must have proof of prior vaccination, immunity to or be vaccinated for hepatitis B at their own expense prior to the time of enrollment.
  10. Graduation Competency- The School of Allied Health Sciences administration and faculty recognize their responsibility to graduate only the student whom they judge to be ready to accept the challenges of the allied health professions academically, ethically, and professionally and having met degree requirements. Consequently, the dean of the School of the Allied Health Sciences, upon recommendation of the faculty of the respective division, reserves the right to withhold the recommendation for graduation of any student who does not conform to these expectations.


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