2015-2016 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
School of Nursing
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The Florida A&M University School of Nursing was founded in 1904 and became the first baccalaureate nursing program in Florida. The undergraduate degree program is approved by the Florida State Board of Nursing. Both the baccalaureate and master’s programs are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).
The ACEN’s address and telephone number are 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, Georgia 30326, (404) 975-5000.
The mission of the School of Nursing is to:
- Educate men and women to function as generalists at the undergraduate level and as specialists at the master’s level in professional nursing;
- Provide a supportive environment to foster research by faculty and students;
- Be responsive to the service needs of the community.
Undergraduate Program
Upon completion of the undergraduate program, the graduate will be able to:
- Evaluate knowledge and skills derived from the humanities, the natural and behavioral sciences, and nursing as a basis for making sound judgments and decisions.
- Utilize the nursing process for promoting adaptation of humans along the health continuum and through the life span in a variety of client systems.
- Function as a provider/coordinator of care, teacher, change agent, and client advocate in the delivery of safe and quality nursing care.
- Communicate and collaborate effectively with client systems (individuals, families, groups, communities and populations) and the health care team to improve health outcomes.
- Provide culturally competent and sensitive nursing care.
- Demonstrate skills in using patient care technologies, information systems and communication devices that support quality and safe nursing practice.
- Demonstrate scholarship for appraisal and application of evidence-based practice to improve nursing and health care.
- Demonstrate basic knowledge of health care systems, health policies, finances, and regulatory environments including contemporary healthcare issues and trends.
- Demonstrate leadership for promotion of safe quality care.
- Demonstrate professional values and accept responsibility and accountability for safe nursing practice as well as for professional growth.
Professors: Earp, Jaibun K; Graham, Mary E.
Associate Professors: Marshall, Janet G.; Norman, Ruena W., Onubogu, Uloma D.
Assistant Professors: Bronson, Sevilla; Daniels, Sheena, Phillips, Carswella
Instructors: Adams, Shawanna: Bryant, Brenda; Butler, Robin; Darity, Donna M.; Guthrie, David; Lawson, Delores B.
Baccalaureate Degree: Generic Program
The School of Nursing offers a professional level major in nursing that leads to a bachelor of science degree. The curriculum plan is designed in two phases: (1) pre-professional and (2) professional. Students may complete pre-professional requirements at a state college, community college, or another university.
Admission Requirements:
- Pre-Professional
- Admission to the university is within the purview of the office of admissions.
- The length of time in the pre-professional level will vary with the educational background of the student. The student must complete pre-professional requirements before admission to the professional level.
- Admission to Florida A&M University does not automatically admit one to the School of Nursing. The school, due to clinical limitations, is a limited access program.
- See the catalog’s Special Admissions’ section for additional information.
- Students seeking admission to the professional level must apply and be accepted to FAMU and satisfy all general education, Gordon Rule and foreign language requirements
All applicants must meet the following requirements stated under the School of Nursing admission criteria:
Obtain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale, for all coursework attempted.
Complete all general education and science courses required by the School of Nursing.
Earn a grade of “C” or above in all required pre-professional courses.
Submit completed School of Nursing application and all other specified information by May 15 if applying for August admission; October 15 for January admission (see the School of Nursing application checklist on the School of Nursing’s website for details). Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Provide one passport photograph.
Submit 3 letters of recommendation; two from instructors from previous college courses and one from an employer or a personal reference.
Present appropriate documentation of medical history, physical examination, labs (CBC and urinalysis), and tuberculosis test and/or chest X-ray. A state or military certificate of immunization status documenting immunity for measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), Hepatitis B (HBV), Varicella (Var), and diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis (DTaP) or tetanus and diphtheria toxoids (Td) is required. If certification of immunization is not available, a titer is required.
A personal interview or pre-entrance screening may be required.
The school, due to clinical limitations, is a limited access program. Admission is determined by the availability of space, not the size of the applicant pool. Therefore, satisfaction of all requirements does not automatically lead to admission to the professional level.
Note: Foreign language requirements: Students who have not completed two years of the same foreign language or American Sign Language in high school must complete eight semester hours in the same foreign language prior to admission to the School of Nursing.
Progression, Retention, and Graduation
- Academic
- It is expected that all students are familiar with progression, retention, and graduation requirements.
- All courses at the professional level must be completed with a grade of “C” or above. In addition, Final Cumulative Examinations must be passed with a grade of “C” (70) or above at the end of each theory course.
- Completion of all courses with a minimum grade of “C” is a prerequisite for progression to the next semester’s courses.
- Two course failures (i.e. D or F grades) will result in dismissal from the School of Nursing (SON). Neither a retroactive university withdrawal nor a university grade forgiveness invalidates a nursing course failure (i.e. D or F).
- Effective August 2014, NUR 4935 Nursing Seminar (1) will be graded S-U and must be passed with a grade of “S”. In order to receive “S”, the NUR 4935 proficiency examination must be passed with an equivalent score at or above the 90th percent probability of passing the NCLEX-RN. In addition, every course requirement must be satisfactorily completed in order to earn the course grade of “S”. Two “U” grades in NUR 4935 will result in dismissal from the SON. Neither a retroactive University withdrawal nor a University grade forgiveness invalidates a “U” grade.
- Effective August 1, 2012, if a student enrolls in NUR 4935 Nursing Seminar (1), having already earned a previous grade of “D” or “F” (failure) in NUR 4935, and earns a “U” (failure) in NUR 4935, that student will be permanently dismissed from the SON. Neither a retroactive university withdrawal nor a university grade forgiveness will invalidate this policy.
- GPA must remain at a cumulative 2.00 or above.
- A student may be requested to withdraw from a course or the program by reason of poor academic performance and/or inappropriate behavior as described in the university student handbook (FANG) and/or the School of Nursing handbook.
- The School of Nursing adheres to all general requirements and procedures of the university for graduation.
- A nursing student may order the school’s pin during the last semester of the senior year. The pin is awarded after successful completion of the nursing program.
Annual documentation of medical history, physical examination, and tuberculosis test and/or chest X-ray.
Changes in health status and relevant medical clearance each semester.
Documentation of current health care coverage is recommended.
Current BCLS CPR certification.
Prior to clinical and upon request, undergo a local and Level II background check and a lab controlled drug screen.
1. Students who receive a flagged positive background check or drug screening report may not be able to participate in required clinical rotations and may be unable to progress in the program.
Students with a flagged drug screen will be required to participate in the intervention program for nurses (The student is responsible for all associated costs).
Failure to provide all required documentation may prevent students from being cleared for clinical.
Clinical Activities
A variety of health care and educational agencies, located primarily in the Tallahassee-Leon County area, cooperate with the School of Nursing in providing clinical laboratory experiences for students. Included are primary, secondary, and tertiary care settings. Some clinical experiences may occur away from the university site in Tallahassee. Each student is expected to assume responsibility for all costs associated with clinical experiences.
The students wear the approved nursing uniforms during clinical experiences. Approximate cost of the uniform is $500. The uniform is ordered after acceptance to the professional level. Liability insurance is provided by the university upon admission of student to the professional level.
Doctoral Program
The FAMU School of Nursing has a Cooperative Ph.D. Program with the University of Florida. The program requires 62 credits for students with master’s degree. Please see this link for more information: http://admissions.nursing.ufl.edu/degrees/phd/north-florida-phd-consortium/
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